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*significant blood in this chp, just a warning! 

Gregor wished that that was the first and last time he had to kill anyone for them. He wished it was the last time he had to kill a child. In what you could call luck--they didn't catch children much. The parents of gnawers had apparently gotten the message that they would go after anyone, which meant (according to Trexon) that they either hid them away or killed them before the Interfectores could get to them. Gregor hoped they hid them away. He deserved that at least, he thought.


Ben sat down across from Riped, closing his eyes against the irritated look he gives him.

"We're never gonna find him, Ripred." Ben whispers. "You and Luxa have searched nearly all the tunnels, and you haven't found anything. No blood or anything. How am I supposed to tell his family this? What about Lizzie? She's just a kid."
"You're just a kid."

Ben opens his eyes, looking to Ripred. "Yeah, but I'm older. I'm supposed to be able to help her."
"Sadly, that's not how the world works, pup. I'm older and I've needed both Luxa and Gregor's help on multiple counts. Age doesn't always equate to ability, as much as I hate to admit it."

"But, Ripred. We're not making any progress, and I can't just sit here any longer!"
Ripred flattens his ears, scratching his claws against the stone before thumping his tail slightly. "Fine. Tomorrow you come with us. You can see exactly what we're trying to search through. Why we're not making progress. Then you can come and complain to me that we're not getting anywhere."

Ben mashes his lips together, hands tightening into fists. He scrambles to his feet, and runs out the door, and turns the corner before he crashes into someone. He stumbles back, trying to decide if he's too angry to apologize, before he realizes who it is. Luxa. He should probably apologize.

"L-Luxa--I'm sorry, I didn't--"
She doesn't look phased at all. "It is fine, Ben. Is Ripred in his quarters?"

Ben glances behind himself, and winces. "Yeah, but...you probably don't wanna talk to him now. I think I ticked him off."

She nods, before hesitating. "Walk with me."

Ben doesn't think he's allowed to say no. So he does.


Luxa walks quickly and with purpose, even though she had told him she wasn't headed anywhere. Ben would never admit it, but he was struggling to keep up.

"Ben, you did not know Gregor all that well, did you?"
Ben shrugs. "I mean, I was getting there, ya know?"
She hums slightly, tilting her head slightly. "He makes a good friend. We went on several quests together. We got separated at points, but we always managed to come back together. I believe that will happen again. I know we will find him."

"But Luxa, aren't you worried? I mean--I love the guy but even Ripred's been worried about how his mental states gonna be."
She takes a right, and stops, grabbing Ben's shirt so he doesn't get too close to the edge of the balcony. He swallows hard and stares at the drop, backing up close to the doorway.

"I think he will be fine." She says. She turns to Ben, and he can't help but notice how sad she looks. Like even though she goes around saying that they'll find Gregor--some part of her thinks he won't come back. He wonders who she's lost to make her think like that.

"But is he gonna be okay?" Ben says quietly.

Luxa smiles slightly, her eyebrows scrunching. "I hope so."


Gregor was so tired. He had stopped using his voice for seeing, and instead relied on the occasional tap of his fingers against the stone; which lit the room in short sporadic bursts. He just wanted to go home.

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