1. Senior Camping Trip

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Alex's POV
It was a normal day at Liberty High. Some sort of drama going on.
The school now has metal detectors, security cameras, and actual police officers. Like I know our school is bad but really??
Knowing my luck , my dad , one of the police officers in my town is going to be here at school.
I head to my locker and meet up with Tyler. We have Spanish together. We get into the classroom. Everyone is talking about the upcoming senior camping trip. I'm questioning whether to go or not because I fucking hate camping.

I sit at the cafeteria table with Tyler and Charlie. Us three have been hanging out recently and the whole of Summer. Me and Tyler were surprised about being friends with Charlie. He's a jock and loves playing football but at the same time he's different then most jocks. He is kind and caring and treats everyone with respect, not like a typical jock. He's been a really good friend to me and Tyler considering we're both outsiders and introverted.

Charlie's POV
Me and Tyler are trying to get Alex to come on the Senior camping trip. He said yes. I'm really glad he's coming on this trip.

2 weeks later (the day of the trip)
Alex's POV
I was supposed to be sharing a tent with Winston, but we had a falling out. Zach said I could bunk with him. I walk up to his tent with all my camping gear.

"Hey" Charlie said.
"Hey" Alex replies.
"Zach said I could bunk with you guys, but is their room?" Alex asked.
"Yeah" Charlie replied.
"Thanks" Alex said.
"Of course their's room" Charlie said.
"Sorry about what happened with Winston, that's not fair" Charlie said.
"Oh, it wasn't anything really" Alex said.
"Seems like maybe it was" Charlie said.
"What do you know" Alex says.
"I know that your a good person, and I'm sorry if you feel like shit or whatever, that's all I know." Charlie said.
"Oh, thanks" Alex said.
"Granola camp cookie?" Charlie asks.
Charlie opens a box of granola cookies.
"Thank you" Alex says.

Later on that evening
We are all sitting around the campfire.
Talking about confessions. Alex , Charlie , Winston , Zach , Tyler , Clay , Jessica , Justin and Tony.
Alex decides to confess something.
"I have something to say, well rather confess..." Alex said.
Everyone is looking up at me wondering.
Everyone laughs.

Later that night
Alex's POV
Me and Charlie are in the tent. Zach is god knows where, probably hooking up with some girl.
Me and Charlie are chatting about how we spend a lot of time together and with Tyler.
It's getting late and we both start falling asleep.
We said night.
This tent is quite small so it's a tight squeeze.
Out of nowhere, Charlie puts his arm around my waist. I was surprised.
But at the same time I didn't mind it.

The next morning
We got woken up at like 6 in the morning by a fucking horn blaring. Ugh why did I come on this trip.
The day was boring af.
We had to do some treasure hunt shit to find a bag of goodies. I mean what are we , 6 years old??
I quit searching for the bag in like 10 mins, I was so bored.

Later that day
Thank fuck we're on our way home.
That trip was awful.
I sit with Tyler on the coach.
"So how was your time on the trip" Tyler asks.
"Boring as shit" I reply.
Tyler laughs.
"You and Charlie we're together a lot" Tyler said.
"Yeah I fell out with Winston so I crashed with him and Zach." I said.
" Oh, ok" Tyler replied.

An hour later
We're back at school after that awful overnight camping trip.
I grab my bags.
Charlie comes up to me with that big smile of his.
"Hey , this was a good trip, I'll see you at school tomorrow" Charlie said.
"Sure" I say.
"Bye" Charlie replied.
"Bye" I say.
I'm at home , lying on my bed, thinking maybe the trip wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

The next morning
I'm getting ready for school.
I look on Instagram and there's talk of some party happening in a few days. Hmm I'll ask someone at school about that.
I head to school.
I'm outside the front of Liberty High.
Wondering about this party...

The end of chapter 1.
Hope you enjoyed.

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