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"These are the completed demands, then?" Lucifer asked, as he, Lilith, and Pride looked over the scroll that Lilith would bring up to God.

"This is it," Lilith said.

"Why can't I come?" Pride groaned.

Pride was the oldest of Lucifer's creations, yet was one of the youngest-looking. He took great pride in his hair, of all things. He was very rude sometimes, arrogant even.

"Because, I need everyone available looking over the border. Greed's in the mortal world, Sloth is a lazy slob who couldn't guard the border even if we forced him, Gluttony's hurt himself by eating too much again so he needs to take a few days off, and Lust's lost herself in men again. I think it's another orgy," Lucifer said.

"I won't be gone for too long. I promise," Lilith said.

"I know. Have you spoken to Wrath yet? Do you know how to get to heaven?"

"Yes, I did speak to Wrath, but he doesn't have an exact idea on how to get there, but he gave me some ideas on where to start."

He sighed. "Great."

"Apparently, there's an angel living on earth. Jeremeil, goes by the human name of Jeremiah Smith."

"I remember him. Slap him for me when you see him."

"I will."

Her father found his pen and signed the document, before rolling up the scroll. "I want you to find Greed before you go find Jeremeil, alright?"

"Of course."

He handed her the scroll. "Come on, I'll take you to the surface."

Lucifer placed a hand between her shoulder blades, and led her to the elevator, which was in the center of each layer of hell. They went up to Limbo. They stood in an open field and looked up at the endless sky. "Fly straight, you'll find a path in the clouds which will lead you to the human world. Greed's earth name is Jackson Greed. He owns a nightclub in London," Lucifer said, looking at his daughter.

She nodded. "Jackson Greed, easy enough to remember."

"I'm going to miss you," he hugged his beloved daughter.

"I'll return soon, I promise," she said hugging him back. "And when I do, we'll be able to leave hell whenever we'd like, and hell will be better protected by he who created it."

"I do hope so, kiddo."

They looked up at the sky. "I should go," she said.

He nodded, patting her on the head. "Be safe."

She spread her wigs, and up she flew. She soared through the endless field of beige clouds. Was there an end to them? It definitely didn't feel like there was. Perhaps she was flying in circles and she didn't realize it.

Soon enough, her irritation was cured when she found an opaque patch of darkness in the sky. This must have been what her father spoke of, she thought as she plunged herself into the tunnel.

"Ow!" she cried as she smacked her head into something hard. She fell from the air and landed on a cold, semi-hard ground. She groaned, and looked behind her. A solid black patch on the ground closed up, and a peak of green grass grew, as if it were a marker. She stood and took in her surroundings. It was dusty, she was surrounded by a brick tunnel with black panels on each section of the tunnel. Each panel had a name.

"Really? Catacombs, eh? That's just stereotypical," she spat as she walked through the catacombs, trying to find an exit. Once the exit was in front of her, she exited into a cemetery. "Wow, how original."

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