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"Why would you tell her that?" Greed asked angrily.

"Look, I got her down. And besides, her father's a pedophile. She wants him punished, and I'm more than happy to do so," Lilith looked at Angela, who was talking to a police officer.

He rolled his eyes. "Look, here's a file on all Jeremiah Smiths in Europe," he handed over a file. "There are three. The first one in the folder, he's a priest in Paris."

"Huh, sounds like our guy, right?"

Greed nodded. "Here, my credit card. For any travel fares."

Lilith took the blue plastic card from his hand. "You need to get back to hell. If this document gets signed, there'll only be one way in and out. And it's not a good idea for you to get stuck here."

"Right," Greed nodded. "Do you need anything else before I go?"

"No, Greed. I'll see you soon."

He nodded, and walked away. Lilith looked at Angela, and walked over. "I'll take you home," the officer said.

"I'll actually take her," Lilith said, looking at the officer.

"Actually, it's protocol for me to take her home."

She looked inside his mind. "I think we can let this one slide. Isn't it your daughter's birthday? Don't want to be late for dinner, do you?"

His eyes narrowed. "How do you know that?"

"Nevermind that. Now run along. Go to your family."

He hesitated, but still fled. Lilith turned to Angela. "Would you like to come to Paris, Angela? I need to find someone there, and I know you don't want to go home."

She hesitated. "But everything I need to go to Paris is at home. My passport, my birth control..."

"Then I'll go and make your father pay the price while you gather your things. You know you want to go, Angela."

She sighed, and nodded. She hailed a cab.

Angela's home was at an apartment building a few miles from there. She was on the thirteenth floor, the apartment itself was slobbish and unkempt. Angela's father wasn't home from work yet, so Angela was quick about packing her things. Angela looked in the file. In it was a passport, with her picture in it, and the name Lily Lawrence, born 04 - 09 - 1999. She smirked and put it back in the Birkin.

"Alright, I've got my toothbrush, my phone charger, my laptop, my birth control, my passport, my laptop, and extra underwear," Angela said, with a backpack slung over her shoulder.

Lilith's head cocked. "What's a phone?"

"You're kidding."

"I've never been to earth before, what do you expect?"

"You own a Birkin, but have never heard of a phone..."

"My uncle is Jackson Greed. Just Greed to me. Dad wasn't able to watch the underworld by himself, so he materialized the Seven Deadly Sins as demons to help. Then I was born six hundred years later."

"How old are you?"

"Like, a thousand years old or so?"

"Damn. What's the secret? You look good?"

"Immortality changes the aging process."

Angela looked out my window. "Shit, my dad's car."

Lilith looked too. "The red one?"

"Yeah. We have to go."

Lilith nodded. They were interrupted by the door opening. They turned to see a man. He was a very ugly man. He stunk. Lilith could read his mind clearly. Punishment was most certainly in order. "What the hell is this?" the man spat. "You know the rule. No guests."

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