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If she thought the flight from hell to earth was a long one, this one was nearly twice as long so far. Lilith's wings were getting exhausted, but she kept going up and up and up. The further she went, the brighter it got. She had to have been getting close, light couldn't get much brighter than this.

Then, the light went away, and blue sky appeared. She slowed down considerably, and began to fly with caution. She guessed she had been flying for a few hours before that. A few minutes later, a harsh ring above her appeared.

She poked her head through. She had made it.

She had infiltrated heaven.

The coast was clear, so she flew through the hole, and looked around. She was in the middle of a courtyard, with waterfalls and bright green shrubs. She ducked behind a hedge and looked further, where was God?

Perhaps in the golden castle in the center of the city was a good place to start.

If only she had a map of the city. She needed to be seen by as few people as possible, better if the number was none.

The castle was just northeast of her current location. Perhaps soaring over the buildings would be better. No, a dark figure in the sky would do more harm than good.

She maneuvered through a green, grassy alley between two, snow white, marble towers. Heaven wasn't so bad, apparently.

The next street had about twelve souls wandering it, which was a lot. She needed to cross the street and duck behind a hedge, and make her way to the next street. Twelve potential witnesses was just too much. She'd have to make a run for it. She waited for everyone's backs to turn, and she sprinted for the hedge, which she was able to make without being seen.

After this, she'd have to walk the main streets to get to the castle, she couldn't see any more alleys she could fit through. And sneaking through wide open streets would not be very easy or safe. But she was so close to the endgame, she had to risk it. Speed would have to be on her side.

But maybe hiding behind the cover of the hedges wasn't a bad idea. Slow? Perhaps. Safe? Definitely.

She ran from her current hedge to the next. "What am I doing, hiding like a coward?" she hissed to herself. She then ran to the next one. "What would my dad say?" then to the next. "No, he wouldn't say I'm a coward. I'm being safe. Greed would call me a coward. Wrath would call me meticulous. Envy would be calling me a wuss."

She jumped into the next hedge. "I guess it's kind of bad that I don't know how dad would respond to this. I guess all he cares about is this scroll and a signature. And that I don't die."

She went around the corner, and there was no hedge to hide behind. And there were nearby people. She couldn't go left. She couldn't go right.

But up was an option.

She spread her wings and shot upwards, landing on the roof of the nearby tower. It was cone-shaped, steep. She clung to the shingles like her life depended on it, it basically did. But from that roof, she had a straight line of roof-jumps to the golden castle. A lot of the roofs she could land on were safe, flat. Or at least partially flat.

She took the first leap of faith, onto the next roof. How has no one noticed her yet? And how has she not seen any angels? She thought they'd be flying around, all high and mighty, but no. Nothing. She didn't know whether to be relieved or worried.

She kept roof-jumping, strategically. Watching to make sure she wouldn't be seen, then taking the jump. She did this over, and over, and over. She knew that the castle was pretty far away, but this was getting ridiculous.

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