Chapter twenty seven

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"And I know I've made mistakes at times, Every now and then I've made you cry, For that I'm sorry."

Stefan's POV

A few weeks later

"How's the baby?" I asked Lucky as he walked in.

"She's fine." He softly spoke.

"Good evening, gentlemen." London's doctor stepped into the room.

"Evening." I mumbled.

"How have you two been holding up?"

"She's still not awake yet." Lucky spoke.

"Yes, I know." The doctor nodded. "We told you in the beginning that we wouldn't be able to tell when she would wake up."

"You told us it wouldn't take long, now you're telling us you don't know. It's been a month since she's been like this." I raised my voice.

"May I also remind you that her case was very critical. She was on the verge of death when she was brought in. I didn't promise you that she was going to wake up in a few days."

"When is she going to wake up then?" Lucky asked.

"If I'm being honest with you I don't know. You have to understand that not everyone wakes up and the ones who do are going to. You have to have patience when it comes to situations like this." He replied.

"You're telling us she might not wake up." I sat down in a chair.

"There's a possibility, yes." The doctor cleared his throat.

"What would happen if she doesn't wake up." Lucky muttered.

"We would have to disconnect her and let the process go by."

"Could you please leave." Lucky leaned back in his chair, his hands running through his hair.

Hearing the doctors footsteps walk out and the door close I closed my eyes. 

It was hard to hear those words come out of his mouth. I was scared by the fact that there was a possibility that she wouldn't wake up.

I was scared.

She couldn't leave, she couldn't leave her family. She couldn't leave our baby.

Our little girl was pushing through. She was getting stronger and healthier. We knew she was going to make it, we just knew, but it was London's turn to push through this time.

We needed her here. Our baby needed her here.

A month later

"Hey, baby." I smiled down at our little girl.

"She made it nine months. She's such a strong fighter." Her doctor congratulated us.

"She gets it from her mommy." Lucky told her.

"She's still very tiny and has a lot of growing to do, but we're happy to see that she was able to see the nine months that she was supposed to hit in the womb."

"That's good." I nodded.

"When will we be able to hold her?" Lucky asked.

"Very soon, we just want to make sure she's stable enough to be moved around especially since she's been kept in her small place for a while. I'm sure it won't take long to get her adjusted to the movement so you'll be able to hold her in no time." She smiled.

Luckys POV

Gazing down at the small baby in front of us I smiled seeing her scrunch her nose up. She did it in the same manner London did, but her hands formed into small fists as she moved around.

Although it had been a month and a half now London wasn't awake yet. We were told she was stable, but her body wasn't reacting as quickly as they thought it would have been in the beginning.

I wanted to be able to hold her and never let go of her. Being connected to all those wires there wasn't a way for us to hug her or hold her properly.

It fucking pissed me off that I couldn't hold my baby, but I knew she needed those wires and machines. At the end I would just end up getting mad for no reason.

There was no point in being mad in a situation like this, but I felt the frustration begin to build up in me. As quickly as it came it was gone because I knew better.

"I realized your baby doesn't have a name yet." The doctor broke the silence. "Do you have any names yet?"

"We don't actually." I replied.

"Why is that if I may ask." She frowned.

"We weren't planning on having kids yet. We knew we wanted kids, but our London was to young and we wanted her to live her life before committing to something so big." Stefan answered.

"Life takes you by surprise sometimes doesn't it." She chuckled.

"Yeah it does." I softly smiled.


Seeing a nurse come into the room she walked up to London and disconnected her from something.

"What are you doing?" I frowned.

"She doesn't need this machine anymore. We connect these machines to patients we know are going to wake up soon, she still hasn't woken up." She told us before walking out of the room.

Closing my eyes I leaned back in my seat.

I felt tears begin to prick my eyes as I sat quietly. Hearing Stefan take in a breath I opened my eyes and gazed at London.

Her skin was still pale and her body was thin.

"I'm so sorry." I closed my eyes, tears slipping down my cheeks.

Taking her hand in mine I tightly held onto it. Once again I felt the coldness of her skin press against mine as I tried to warm her up.

"I'm sorry for all the shit we've put you through." I quietly sobbed. "I love you, I hope you know that. Nothing will ever stop me from loving you. I don't want to let you go, but if you can't keep fighting you can stop, you can rest."

"What the fuck are you saying Lucky." Stefan growled.

"Can't you tell she's tired. Look at her Stefan, do her features not tell you enough." I looked back at him.

"Your talking crap. You don't say stupid shit like that especially about our baby." He picked up his voice.

"She's been like this for weeks, Stefan. I fucking love her, but can't you tell she's tired of fighting. These fucking machines and wires aren't doing anything. They aren't waking her up, she's still not awake, Stefan."

"You don't say stuff like that, Lucky." He whispered as he sunk back in his seat.

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Short chapter, but the next will be longer. 💕

Also quick question, does anyone know what happened to Julie the girl who wrote Sin and Mercy, I believe those were the name of two of her books. Her books are so good and I can't find her page anymore.😣

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