Chapter thirty four

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"Don't need permission, Made my decision to test my limits, 'Cause it's my business, God as my witness, Start what I finished."

Mature chapter

Stefan's POV

"Wake up."

Feeling warm lips against my skin I groaned out.

"Wake up." London's soft voice mumbled against my ear.

Her legs straddled my waist as she hovered over me. The warm feeling of her lips pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead woke me up, soft giggles falling past her lips.

Reaching out to grab her waist I groaned when she quickly untangled herself from around my waist.

"Good morning." She hummed.

Turning my head to look over I saw her straddling Luckys waist.

"Someone's in a good mood." Lucky chuckled.

"It's a pretty day today." She smiled.

Watching her lean down to Luckys forehead she squeaked as he grabbed her chin, pulling her lips against his.

Chuckling at the moment I turned my head over, my hands running across my face. Letting out a sigh I sat up and stretched my arms.

"Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." London hummed, her voice making its way out of the room.

Replying to her Lucky and I chuckled hearing her mumble 'I hope I didn't burn the toast' in a rushed tone. Her small footsteps echoed down the hallway leaving us both alone in the room.

"Yesterday went well." Lucky broke the silence.

"It did." I hummed.

"After looking at so many houses I didn't think London would like any of them." He chuckled.

"I honestly did too." I smiled. "It was the last house that she loved though. I could tell she loved it."

"She was so happy at the lake. I could see her already imagining Will and Bella playing in the sand."

"She looked happy." I whispered with a smile.

"She is happy." Lucky softly replied.

Sitting quietly for a few more minutes I decided to get up and get ready for the day. Stepping into the bathroom I heard Lucky walk out of the room and into his.

Pressing my hands against the edge of the sink I gazed at myself in the mirror. Bringing my hand up to my neck I ran my fingers through my hair before stepping into the shower.


"Where's Bella, Princess?" Luckys voice echoed down the hallway.

Making my way into the kitchen I smiled seeing London leaned over the kitchen counter.  The shirt she was in was riding up her legs, the laced band of her pantie peeking through the bottom of the shirt.

"She's with your mom. She came up here earlier this morning." She hummed.

"What time did you wake up this morning?" I asked taking a seat across from Lucky.

"Around seven. Bella woke up and I couldn't go back to sleep." London frowned. "Robin came and got her because she wanted to spend the morning with her."

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