Part 1: Raelle's Dreams

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She woke up again. Sweating from continuous nightmares that she thought would never stop.

She looked to her clock, which flashed in red, "3:27 AM".

Raelle groaned silently. It was another nightmare about Scylla. She was being sent away, to god-knows-where, but Raelle knew one thing about it.

That it was Sarah Alder's fault.

On the day of the Bellweather wedding and the death of Abigail's cousin Charvel, there was a mixed attack: the Spree and the Camarilla. She had interrogated Scylla about it when Anacostia had granted Scylla her last favor, and it confirmed Raelle's fear.

Scylla was Spree.

Raelle heard an alarm go off. It was Tally's. She stirred, and reluctantly awoke, though groggily. 

Abigail Bellweather woke up as well. And they had just gotten ready when Anacostia knocked at their door.

Tally dreaded that she would ask for another mission similar to Citydrop. In the last Citydrop, they killed 10 innocents and they caused the death of Libba Swythe.

But it was quite the opposite.

Abigail answered the door to a frowning Anacostia, with Necro teacher Izadora standing beside her.

"Bellweather Unit, get dressed quietly." asked Anacostia.

"Why?" asked Tally. Anacostia sighed, and Izadora took the lead.

"We have just realized that we have done something wrong." said Izadora.

"What exactly are you saying?" asked Abigail. But she and Raelle and Tally thought they already knew.

"We are rescuing Scylla." Izadora said.

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