Part 4: Interrogation at Fort Salem

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The Bellweather unit sat in their bunk room with the accompaniment of only Scylla. In only one hour, Abigail, Tally, Scylla and Raelle would accompany Anacostia to interrogate Alder.

"I know you don't like me very much, Abigail. But thank you with all my heart for saving me." said Scylla. Abigail smiled.

"Don't worry, Ramshorn. You're growing on me." said Abigail. Scylla chuckled.

Tally approached her, and took Scylla's hand in hers.

"I am so sorry for reporting you to Anacostia. I know you were just doing it to save your life, and possibly Raelle's." said Tally.

Without warning, Scylla pulled Tally into a warm hug.

"I forgive you." Scylla whispered.

"Bellweather Unit?" a voice asked. The unit and Scylla turned to see Izadora, and a woman Raelle recognized as a biddy, standing at the door.

"She's ready for you." said the biddy. And Tally took the time to notice that the biddy happened to be Devon.

The unit, Scylla, Izadora, and Biddy Devon walked down the halls, towards the interrogation chambers.

"I have never felt so weird in my entire life." said Tally.

"Trust me. You'll get used to it." Raelle whispered back.

The doors to the chamber opened, and Alder was sitting on a chair, accompanied by only one biddy and Anacostia.

"First, Scylla." said Anacostia. Everyone walked in, but Scylla sat in the chair adjacent to Alder. Anacostia stood behind Scylla.

"Why did you do this to me?" asked Scylla, close to tears.

"You are Spree. You are a danger to witchkind. I had to protect the Bellweather unit and anyone else from harm." said Sarah.

"You are Sarah Alder. You include everyone. So why now are you being racist against Spree? Some are good, you know. Like me." said Scylla.

"You killed Porter! You were the Spree operative at the mall!" said Alder.

"I was under pressure from one of whom you think is dead!" Scylla growled.

"Who?" interjected Raelle. Scylla looked to her. But Alder spoke.

"Your mother. Willa Collar."

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