Part 2: Laboratory

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The Bellweather Unit, Anacostia, Izadora, and Bridey, along with Adil, gathered in the helicopter, at 4:21 AM. 

"Scylla is no longer Spree. Alder has sent her to a high-security Spree prison, on a secret military base island off the coast of China." said Izadora. 

"We must be careful." said Anacostia, "It is run by top officials sent officially under Alder."

"And that is why myself and Izadora will guard the outside, while your unit, Adil and Anacostia will infiltrate the island's base and rescue Scylla." said Bridey.

Bridey was originally supposed to be Abigail's bodyguard, sent by Petra, to help her cope with the death of her dear cousin, Charvel Bellweather.

But Abigail didn't have time to think about that now. She had to help. 

They didn't really care for Scylla, but Abigail and Tally were willing to help Raelle. Even if they die doing it.

"We're here." said Bridey. They exited the copter only to find government officials standing there.

Most importantly, President Kelly Wade.

"I am sorry, but what are you doing here? This island is for officials only, and I can see that you are not." said the president.

Raelle Collar came forward.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. President." she said.

Raelle muttered her sleep incantation, of which she used on a bully girl named Beth Treefine, one of Libba Swythe's minions. Kelly Wade and her armed bodyguards immediately fell asleep. 

Bridey and Izadora stood by the door, and they opened the door to let Anacostia, Adil and the unit inside.

"Adil. Once we get to the holding cell, you, Anacostia, Abigail and Tally will stand watch. I'll go in for Scylla." said Raelle. Everyone nodded.

"Good." she said.

"Good luck, Private Collar." Anacostia said. Suddenly, they heard footsteps.

"What are you doing here?" they heard a voice ask. They turned to see the person they least wanted to see.

Sarah Alder, accompanied by her biddies. 

"Righting a wrong." whispered Tally. She was still angry with Alder's orders at Citydrop, causing the death of Libba Swythe.

"RAELLE, RUN!" screamed Abigail. Raelle started to run, to sprint. Not knowing if her unit and its accompaniments were going to battle Alder and her biddies, but she wasn't about to find out.

Raelle ran through the holding cells until she saw it. A cell with a plaque. Engraved on the plaque lay the word: Ramshorn.


Raelle used her Windstrike spell to blast the door out of its hinges. There on the cell's bed lay a famished and parched Scylla, who looked like a living skeleton at this point.

"Scylla!" exclaimed Raelle. Scylla turned, and immediately started to cry.

"Raelle? How are you here?" asked Scylla.

"Long story. But we don't have time. We need to get you back to Fort Salem." said Raelle.

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