Chapter 2

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☯Meg's Pov☯
The plane ride was terrible. Imagine. Four hours of a five year old kicking your seat behind you, and a man you don't even know sleeping on you, and your left to dwell on the fact that your moving to a place where you have to lock your doors every night and turn your alarm on. I turn up my music really loud, the bass viberating my ears. After about a half hour, the flight attendant comes over the speaker. "Buckle up, we're landing. Welcome to the beautiful Los Angeles." she says. Yeah, beautiful. I meet up with my family and we pack everything up into the moving trucks that met us there. We drive through, admiring all the scenery. "Wow, is this where we're living?" my brother asks. "Not here." my dad says. We drive through all the nice parts of Las Angeles, and then we see a sign that says "Welcome to Carson."

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