Chapter 6

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☯Meg's Pov☯
Normally on my first day none of this would've happened. But it did. I've had Zayn on my mind ever since. He is a God, i swear I think he is. His jawline is the death of me, and he is bad. I like that in a guy. Tattoos line his arms. He is genuine, yet so mysterious. I tend to find out the secrets he's hiding. For now, I stay in my house. It's the safest place for me right now it seems. Not only from all the terrible things going on, but heartbreak. Sure Zayn seems nice enough, but I don't know him, and he's bad. Who knows what he's probably up to right now? I lay out my clothes for tomorrow and go to the kitchen. "How was your day?" my mom asks. My face heats but I play it cool. "It wasn't like home, but it was interesting." I say. "Well that's good. Did you make any new friends?" she ponders. "Uhm, yeah." Tacos are set down in front of me. My favorite. I dig in, and after that I quickly make my way to my room to avoid any more questions. I hope tomorrow is better, maybe I can make some new friends. Some good friends. I still don't understand why we moved here. This place is crazy. I look out my window to see two guys walking down the street with their hoods up. Hurry up and go by. As I was looking I slipped and hit the window. They turned. I made eye contact with one. They looked at me for a while and I stayed still. Then they carried on. It wasn't until they started walking away that I realized I wasn't breathing. I take a deep breath and leave the window, but not before I shut the blinds. I decide to go to bed so I don't cause more problems. At 6 my alarm goes off. Ugh. I pull myself out of bed for my second day of school and get dressed. Today I straighten my hair. I have on a cropped black muscle tee since it's a little warm with dark jeans. Once I'm done getting ready I run down to the kitchen and grab a poptart. "Bye mom.." I yell. "Have a good day please." she yells. I run out of the house with my stuff and try to catch the bus. I'm walking down the street when a black car pulls up to me with tinted windows. I stop in my tracks. My hands go to my pockets. The window rolls down to reveal a beautiful smile in the window. Zayn. "Did I scare ya love? Didn't mean to. Hop in, a girl like you shouldn't have to ride the bus." I climb into the passenger seat. "Hey." I say. "What's up?" he says. He doesn't look the same. His eyes are a pink around the rims like he didn't sleep at all. "Nothing, trying to get over last night." I say. He chuckles a bit, a nervous chuckle, no real happiness behind it. "Yeah, it happens." he says. "I liked the part when I got to see you though." he adds. Okay. "Thank you. I enjoyed it too." I say. The car ride remains silent until we get to school. I hop out and Zayn follow me. He grabs my hand. It burns. He continues to hold it as we go into school. "I'll walk you to class." he offers. "Math." I reply. He nods and leads me there staying close by me. We get a couple of stares but he doesn't seem to care. "Bye, I'll see ya later?" he asks. "Yeah." I reply. Before he leaves he plants a small kiss on my cheek before smiling and walking away. My cheek feels hot and I can barely pay attention in class. What was that? Is he trying to make a move on me?

☯Zayn's Pov☯
This new girl Meg, she's hot. All I wanna do is lay her down, but she seems cool and all anyways. I can tell she's a virgin. She doesn't know anything. She better not make to good of friends. I don't want her figuring out about me. She can't. My past is checkered, and I'm not on the verge of changing, but it is nice to know someone who doesn't see me as a son of the devil. That's what my mom said to me one day, and I told her that's why she gave birth to me. She kicked me out of the house for two days. She gave me my car back today after two years, I'm surprised it still works. I follow after my dad. He's in jail right now, but I visit him every weekend. He tells me stories of his past, and how it was all worth it. I agree with him. He's my role model. He was the leader in his group, and he tells me kick ass stories about what he did at my age. He was ten times worse than me. Class could not go any slower. Mrs. Whateverhernameis will not shut her fucking mouth. "Man, we know this shit." I say without thinking. She motions me to go outside the classroom. I decide to just go home for the rest of the day. Yeah, home or whatever. I light one up and pop it in my mouth before going to the bar and getting some drinks. After that, I stumble into the tattoo shop and get one on my lower side. It's a gun. If someone told me I'd done that tomorrow, I would't remember. A girl walks in and I bump into her. I look up. "Hey." I slur. She smirks. "Hey." "What are you doin here?" I ask. "Whattaya think? Say Zayn, are you drunk?" she asks. I wink at her. "Maybe." She was my fuck buddy in middle school. She was the only one insane enough to do it at the time. Things have not gone wrong for her. "Say, we should meet up again." I say. "Yeah, right after this." she says. I stay and watch her get a small tattoo on her wrist before taking her home with me. "Been a while." I say. "Yeah, you look good." she replies. "Yeah, I wanna see you." I say before flipping her over on top of me. I thrust into her. I can last a while, she's okay, but she's not great. "Mmmmmm." she says. She can't take it, but I force her to keep going. I go in and out, slowly, too slow. I gain speed steadily until I'm at a fast pace. After that I turn over on top of her, and blow into her. "I'm done." I say. She nods. "Me too."

☯sorry.😈 well update soon.☯

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