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All of the boys met at soccer tryouts in freshman year.Back then Alvaro was a bit clumsy and it was raining at the time so
(Alvaro+slippery ground=Problems)

Alvaro running to retrieve the ball so he could show the coach and the other boys to not underestimate him just because he is short.Alvaro did notice another boy that seemed to be a few centimeters shorter than him but he didn't pay that much attention to that, all he could think about was proving himself to the others.

While Alvaro being so into thought he didn't even notice what was happening around himself which is what had him fall onto the ground and in seconds he was covered in mud and laying there on the floor try to get up but every time he tried to get up he fell back down.

Some of the boys laughed and that's what made Alvaro feel so embarrassed but one boy in particular caught his eye... it was Alejandro. Alejandro helped him up. "Hey... are you ok" Alejandro said with a heart warming smile which made Alvaro get a weird feeling in his stomach. "Um... uhhh... yeah, yeah I'm okay" Alvaro got lost in Alejandro's eyes which took him a while for his mind to comprehend what was happening.

Alejandro's smile grew and he let out a little chuckle
"I'm Alejandro" "I'm Alvaro" the two boy were still looking into each others eyes and forgetting that their holding hand they later on get interrupted by a cough from a slightly taller boy.The two boy's came back to reality and let go of each other's hands.
"I'm Mattia"  Mattia said with a smile that made Alvaro and Alejandro feel like they got caught doing something they shouldn't have.

"I'm Alejandro and this is Alvaro, who are you"
Alejandro said pointing at Kairi which was standing right next to Mattia. Mattia then crossed his arms naturally and looked down at the boy next to him almost as if he is scanning him. "I'm Kairi" the smaller boy said with so much enthusiasm.
"Are you okay?" Kairi said with a curious but worried look on his face. "Yeah, but it was so embarrassing, I mean falling in the mud during tryouts"

Kairi got an idea but I don't think it was a good one
Knowing Kairi, he IS sneaky. "wait I have an idea, make sure to record this okay" Kairi said which made all the boy's get this weird confused look on their faces but they did as he said and Alejandro got his phone and started to record. All the boys at tryouts started to surround Kairi. He was standing near this huge mud puddle. "Are you recording" Kairi asked Alejandro. "Yeah, but what are you going to do?" Alejandro said in confusion on what's about to happen. " you'll see" Kairi said with a big smirk on his face.

Kairi then JUMPED in the mud puddle. All the boys were in shock some more than others and most of the boys were yelling and jumping around all of them were hyped up. Kairi was just rolling around in the mud, this was an attempt to make Alvaro feel better and less embarrassed and judging by the smile on Alvaro's face he accomplished his mission.Alvaro seemed to feel a little bit better.Judging from Kairi's action, he just had this feeling like he knew that the four of them were going to be great friends.

As the tryouts were rapping up the four boys decided to exchange numbers and meet up on the following Saturday

"Hey is it okay if I bring two of my other friends too"
Alejandro said. "Sure, why not" Mattia said while putting his phone number in Kairi's phone he already took a picture and set it up,the name that he had put in Kairi'a phone was 'Sexy Dino' as Mattia handed Kairi the phone back Kairi giggled at the name Mattia had put in for himself.

Mattia's POV
-Right before he jumped in the puddle

Who the heck is this lil kid next to me, I'm not fucking blind ofc he's cute but there's something abt this dude that I can't figure out.Have I seen this lil kid somewhere or what....bro wtf I can't put my finger on it but there's something off abt him,Idk maybe it's just me.

What is this guy gonna do, is he gonna jump in the puddle or what...... TF he actually jumped, this dude is a straight ass Savage and that's ong

You know what I'm just finna mess with this lil kid, who knows maybe it would be fun to toy with him and get him a little pissed or something, I noticed that he smiled the whole time while playing....I actually wanna see how this would play out between us boys.

Mattia x Kairi  & Alvaro x Alejandro Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon