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"So what ride do you wanna go on first" Alvaro said looking up at the taller boy next to him.
"Tbh I don't know" Alejandro said looking down at his shoes.
"What's wrong with you" Alvaro said with a concerned tone in his voice "you look so sad,why?"
"Mmm....nothing I'm just thinking" Alejandro said with a forced smile on his face.
"Don't do that" Alvaro said with an irritated tone.
"Don't do what?" Alejandro said 🤷‍♂️
"Don't put up a fake smile and pretend like nothing is bothering you, I can tell that somethings wrong so just stop lying and just tell me, I can keep a secret"

Ale's POV:

Can I trust him?I mean it's not really a secret but I don't really like telling ppl my business cuz then their gonna ask more and more questions to a point in the conversation that just really annoys me, but I mean he's not all that bad maybe he's not like the others

"My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday morning"
Alejandro forcing himself to look into Alvaro's eyes trying not to tear up. "Well that's a bummer but today is not a time to be fucking sad or dwelling over your ex.... you're here with your friends so don't think about her anymore and just have fun today, and if you can't figure out how to have fun on your own then I'll make it my mission to make you smile today....Deal?!?" Alvaro's words meant something to Ale in a way that you can't really explain but long story short his words comforted Alejandro. "Deal" the two boys then pinky promised which made Ale smile but he wasn't abt to show Alvaro that he smiled cuz he actually wanted to see what Alvaro had planned to make him have fun.

Mattia x Kairi  & Alvaro x Alejandro Where stories live. Discover now