Chapter 1: Toya

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He was all over the news. I couldn't go anywhere without seeing his face. The new Number One Hero had defeated the most powerful and most advanced Nomu the heroes had ever seen. Him and the Number Two Hero together had saved everyone in Fukuoka, where it attacked. I could never escape him, especially with him now being the Number One Hero. His face was forever burnt into my mind. The Flame Hero: Endeavour, Enji Todoroki. Or as I knew him, my father.

I made my way back to the dump my team mates and I were currently calling our hideout. Toga and Bubaigawara are talking, the former acting crazy as usual. Sako and Iguchi are in the corner, silent. Shigaraki is at the bar, clawing at his neck like a predator clawing into the carcass of its prey. "So, you're back from where?" He growls. His voice gets on my nerves, its so dry. "I've been assessing the damage High End did to Endeavour and Hawks. From what I can see, it scarred Endeavour, and did some collateral damage to Central Fukuoka. Endeavour may be out of commission for a while. That's about it."

Shigaraki grabs a glass from the bar and throws it across the room, it disintegrates as it flies at the wall. "All this is going to do is give people more faith in him!" Kurogiri enters the room, in his usual suit. "Tomura Shigaraki, calm down. There is an advantage to this. Endeavour is injured, which will put eyes on us. They will want to know more about the Nomu we sent for him. It was more powerful than any other we created, even the Level 3 Nomu we sent at All Might in the Unforseen Simulation Joint. It'll fill people with fear, especially while Endeavour is in hospital, and when he first goes back to fighting."

I sigh. "Fucking hell, Kurogiri. Don't get his hopes up. That's like telling a child you're getting them a new phone for Christmas, but giving them a toy phone for babies. Endeavour will bounce back from this well, he's not the Number One Hero for nothing." Shigaraki turns and glares at me. "Are you calling me a child, Scarface?" I walk over to him and lean down slightly to put me eye level with his seated form. I breathe out, "yes. You're a child, Shigaraki." Rage fills his eyes, and shoots his hand out to grab my face. Kurogiri interferes, opening a portal to another part of the room, where his hand can't hurt anyone.

I roll my eyes and tell him, "you're not a bad leader, though. You just have a bad habit of throwing fits when you're plans go awry. That won't interfere with my main goal while I'm here." The both of them look at me confused as I turn around and walk away. "What is your goal while here, then? Being an annoying, half-assed, lazy team member?" Shigaraki asks. I pause and turn my head, "to avenge the Hero Killer, and show society what a true hero is." I turn my head back in the direction I was walking and exit the room.

I haven't been able to find a location to stay since our move away from Kamino, so I stay in a room in the disgusting bar we're forced to call a hideout. I sit on the mattress I have to use as a bed and stare at my hands. I remind myself of him so much, I'm surprised no one has noticed who I am. We both do nothing but destroy. He just gets a permit. A sponsored tool of misery. And he gets other priverlages with it. He gets to neglect his oldest children. He gets to abuse his wife. He gets to psychologically destroy his youngest son. He gets to forget his oldest son ever existed. Endeavour knows who I am, I'm sure of it. He just refuses to address it, and face the consequences of what he's done.

It's his fault. It's all his fault. I'm this 'villain' because of him. He drove me away, made me hate the idea of 'heroes'. Stain's ideals showed my that I'm not alone in my thoughts. 'Heroes' get to behave as they please, as long as they claim it's for everyone else's good. Heroes and villains, the titles have no meaning. People with power, they just mindlessly fight. The 'heroes' side with the government, all because they just want fame, respect and money. 'Villains', they choose the right path. They know that fighting for what's right comes at a cost, they lose everything.

Society has become pathetic, ever since Quirks started. Its like the early ages, when someone's skin colour, someone's gender, someone's sexuality could make or break who they were. Now, believing in what's right destroys someone's hope at a future. Society needs to return to the early days. We need that time back where you didn't need government approval to fight. The time when a hero was someone that rose up, and fought without any care about themselves. The time where they never seemed any praise or compensation, they just wanted to help those in need.

I take a cigarette out and light it. I take a drag from it, and slowly breathe the smoke out. Endeavour needs to go, he's the current reason that society is twisted. He is the centrepiece of this dystopia we call Japan. Everyone is being forced into the mindset that everyone but heroes should be oppressed, and sponsored violence should be glorified and seen as a fight for peace. Violence doesn't prevent violence, it condones it. All they're doing is fighting fire with fire. And when that happens, the world goes up in smoke. I know that better than anybody. After a few minutes, the cigarette has burnt down to the butt, and I throw it across the room. I take my jacket off and throw it aside, too. I lay down on the spring mattress and close my eyes. I whisper to myself, "for a better world." Sleep pulls me into its murky, vast waters.

Wordcount: 1025

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