Chapter 3

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Now on to Wednesday.(this part is actually from an episode but I'm changing it up a little lol. If you can guess what episode it is I'll give you a shout-out.)

Today me, Boris, and Tony were doing some normal patrol because well we're forest scouts it's what we do. We were checking on everyone at the creek. After that we went to the trading tree and when we got there jp had yelled something.

Jp: Hey you guys look what I found.

Kelsey: woah that's so cool.

Craig: yeah it's a fossil.

Other Creek kids: wooooow.

I stepped in and said something because something looked wrong about that fossil so yeah.

Jason: there's nothing special about that fossil. Tell them Tony what kind of Fossil that is.

Tony says what Fossil it is( I don't actually remember the name of it lol)

Jason: see nothing special about it.

Apparently Tony didn't finish.

Tony: And it's over a million years old.

Everyone: gasps.

Kit: I'll give you 10 Choco rolls for that thing, no 20, no 100! Well it will actually take a while to get that many but in the meantime if anyone finds a fossil the same deal goes to you!

Oh you have got to be kidding me. I thought Tony had finished his sentence bit now everybody's looking for a fossil. We better look out for them.

Jason: hey you need to be careful. You need dig with a shovel you could get sick with all those germs on your hands. Hey you! Don't let that mud get to close to your mouth or you could get brainworms.

*Kids rubs mud on mouth*

Jason:ugh*shudders* Hey Bobby that's not how you dig let me show you how.

Bobby: hey give it back!

Jason: stop I'm trying to help you!

Craig: Jason do you have to be so mean all the time?

Jason: I'm just trying to help, because that's what a forest scout does. Our motto is "A Forest scout always helps out"

Craig: yeah but he didn't even ask for your help. No one did. Can't you just let them do what they want instead of you telling them what to do all the time.

Jason:*growls and leaves and Tony and Boris follow*

Boris: Jason?

Jason: let's just go.


Craig: oh yeah I can't wait to try out these now. Try to go against water bottled shoes univer-huh?

Kelsey: where's all the water?

Jp: yeah where'd it go?

Craig: let's go find out.

Narrator POV: They follow the trail of where the creek water used to be. They had been walking for the last 10 minutes and they couldn't find anything. They were about to loose hope even though they really didn't want to but it was almost dinner time until they bumped into a familiar friend.

Kelsey: Wildernessa! Um I mean hey what's up

Wildernessa: Hey Kelsey. Alright  hurry.

Cheesesticks: spits out little fish.

Jp:*says ewwww while laughing* ewwwww

Kelsey: do you know where all the water went?

Wildernessa: sadly I do not I wish I could stick around and help more but I think a squirrel is in need of help.

Kelsey:*sigh* she's so cool.

Craig: wait what's that sound? It sounds like...

All of them: Water!

They all start running in the direction of the water sound only to find that a dam was blocking the water in the creek from flowing. They were so confused and didn't know who would build a dam but they quickly hid when they heard some voices.

Tony: can we stop now Jason.

Jason: no we have to keep looking until we find a Fossil.

Boris: but Boris and Tony tired.

Jason: come on guys we could get a whole bunch of Choco rolls and get some respect.

Boris: but do we really have to stop Creek from flowing?

Tony: yeah this isn't what a Forest scout does.

Jason: well maybe I don't want to be a Forest scout! Just get out go away you traitors!

Boris and Tony leave and Boris starts crying.

~That night~

Craig, Kelsey, and JP come late at night to figure out a way to break the dam. They see some high tech scout knots tied around the stuff keeping the dam together. They start going towards the dam and trying to undo the knots but in the process Jason shows up.

Jason: Hey you!

Jp:ahh scatter!

Jason: go away this isn't your dam.

Craig: it may be your dam but this isn't your Creek. Why are you doing this anyway.

Jason:*eyes water* to get some respect! All I ever try to do is help everyone in the creek and make sure that they are safe and none of them ever appreciate it. It's not fair to me*stomp on dam and it starts to get wobbly*

Craig: well you would probably get some respect if you weren't rude about it. If you were kind you would probably get more respect.

*Jason starts breaking down*

*Dam wobbles again and breaks*

Kelsey and JP: ahhhh Craig help us!!!

Craig: Kelsey! Jp!*runs to save them*

He eventually catches up to them and he catches JP's sleeve. But gets pulled with them but luckily Jason had saved them at the last minute, and helps them back onto land.

Craig: why-why did you save us.

Jason: Because a forest scout always help out.*gets nervous and runs off to his house*

~At Jason's house~

Jason's POV: oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I just broke down in front of my enemy. He's going to think I'm some big cry baby now. He's probably going to tell the whole Creek that I'm a big whiney baby and I'm the bad guy who stopped the flow of the Creek. Oh man what about Tony and Boris. They probably hate me now. Ughhhhhh. I wish I could just turn back time. My parents wouldn't understand if I told them. Wait? How are they going to react when they find out I quit being a forest scout. They grew up being forest scout and I'll just disappoint them if Im not a forest scout. I have to join back but I can't tonight it's way to late. I just wish I didn't say those things, I wish I wasn't mean and rude and acted uncaring just to get respect.
*Starts crying quietly* I guess I'll just have to live with it.

*Cries himself to sleep*

Wednesday was the worst day of the week so far it gets worse but I'll tell you tomorrow or later.

Bye guys I hope you liked this chapter.
Oop I just realized I made Jason break the fourth wall.😬 Shhh Don't Tell anyone lol.

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