June 9th

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Today is June 9th.
Tomorrow, I will be 23.
What does that mean?
That means today is the last day I'll be writing from the perspective of a 22 year old, and tomorrow will mark the ending of 22 and Learning: Curiously Beautiful.

I don't put much hope into birthdays because I've learned that to have high hopes on birthdays is to hurt my family's feelings.

And I still don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

But I do keep high hopes for myself.

And even though it saddens me to close this book, it is my hope that I can use this last day to empty my emotions and thoughts on these remaining pages til I can say with absolute certainty that I'm at peace with concluding this chapter of my life.

So let the pouring begin.

22 & Learning Poetry Collection: Curiously BeautifulWhere stories live. Discover now