She's an Empath.

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I didn't understand
the emotions I was feeling.

All I knew was one minute I was fine and the next I was balancing my emotions with ones that didn't originate from me but from my company.

I assumed everyone was the same. That they could feel people's emotional energy like it was their own too.

But after growing frustrated at those around me for not exercising this connection, I realized this was not the case.

It was like watching and sharing someone's pain, and someone else comes along to be blind to it all.

It made no sense to me.

Most of the people I knew like this, loved to be surrounded by people. Maybe because their feelings were independent of everyone else's.

But I still preferred my own company most days knowing how his sorrow or her frustration, her elation or his anguish could easily became my own.

It made me wary of being around others.
And too many people was an exhaustive overload just waiting to happen.

I learned to manage it a bit. Meditation, stabilizing my emotions, and exercising control in my environment.

But I also learned to be picky about those I surround myself with.

Because if I'm not careful, I could find myself weighed and wrought shouldering the emotional burden of those feelings that aren't even truly mine.

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