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"I can't believe...it."
" What? " Lauren asked.
"That newcomer has beaten me in arm wrestling! He's the first guy to ever beat me! Hey, I'm the champion of arm wrestle for about 3 years. " I answer her.

" Do you really think about those things? What I mean is, at least you made a new friend.. " Lauren said.

" Oh yeah. You're right. " Chloe said.

Someone tapped my shoulder.
I turned around to find the new brunette.

" You want to go the room together? " he asked.

"NO!" I reject.

"What do you want?" Mr. Stewart.

"I want to stop going to school, Mr. History teacher." I've got bravery to tell him that. Yes, rude but at least I was honest.

At lunch...

"You really do have a wild side." Lucas speaks.

"Of course, so be used to it brunette. Why don't you act like I do." I said.

"But, it kinda looks like it's bad for you. You're a girl. I'm your friend, Chloe. I want you to stay out of trouble." Lucas said.

"Friend? Stop with that crap. I've only agreed to that because I lost. Besides, I've always been like this. Don't stop me like you know me."

"Well, then. Someday you'll change." he states and walks away.

"That won't happen." I murmur to myself.

I went home and can't stop thinking about what that new student said to me.

" Someday you'll change. "

"Ahh! I really hate that guy. He's making me confused!" I hate that it keeps repeating like hell.
"Wait...aren't I supposed to be going to the movies with Lauren?"

Lauren: Where are you? The movie will start at 5 minutes! Hurry!

[Minutes later...]
"So what is the genre of the movie? " I ask Lauren. Please don't be romance, please don't be romance.

"Romance!" I've a got bad luck today.

"You know I don't like those type of movies. " I state.

"Sorry, I forgot." Lauren does the I-know-you-hate-them smile.


"The story and the movie was great!"

"Trust me, I already know the ending of the movie. Kiss? Seriously? " I roll my eyes.

"It'd happen to you, someday." She scares me.

"That's not a good prediction. And stop saying the word 'someday' cause it annoys me." I tell her.


Next morning at Hayward University.

Lucas punched my back.

"Not a single pain." I utter.

"That wasn't my full strength anyways."

"Do what you want." I said as I punched his back.

"Let's just go to the room together. Ladies, first. "

"Ah, my heart's offended by that term. Boys first. " I sway my hand pointing to the door.
We ended up entering the room together.

"Hey, Lucas! " Brandon, aka the idiot next to his seat, said.

"Hey, Brandon." Lucas greets the idiot.

"Bro, describe your ideal girl. " Brandon said.

"Simple with a good heart." Lucas answered.

The girls heard what Lucas said. They started gossiping around.

"The girls really like Lucas."

"Obviously." I say.

- Sports Festival -

" What sports do you play? " Lucas asked.

"Badminton and athletics." I answer.

" I want to battle you. " Lucas declares a fight with me.

" Fine, bring it on. " I started warming up.

[Running Competition]

"Our players are Chloe, Lucas, Brandon and Sarah. " the host announced.

"You ready?" Lucas asked.

"So ready."

( Ready, get set......GO! )

I'm 2nd place, he won. We shook hands to congratulate each other.

[Badminton Competition]
Lucas won by one point. Damnit.
Lucas, 1st place and I'm 2nd. He won twice.

Just Friends//Brabrina&ReytonWhere stories live. Discover now