Chapter Four: Football Surprise?

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Howard Young, the popular guy in Hayward University, is one of the player of the school's football team. The principal of the university announced that there will be a football competition on January 8.

At the Football Competition.

Lauren started cheering for the Hayward University's football team. Chloe and Lucas sat next to her.

" She really likes Howard. " Chloe said.

" Yeah. " Lucas said.

Howard saw his brother, Hunter Young, on the other team. He was surprised.

" I can't believe you joined. " Howard said to his brother.

" Don't do easy on me. " Hunter said.

" Okay, then. " Howard said.

The game started and Lauren continued cheering.

" I think I need to buy some food. " Chloe said.

" Me, too. " Lucas said.

Chloe and Lucas went to the cafeteria.

" I'm gonna pay for it. " Lucas said.

" No, I'm gonna pay it. " Chloe said.

" Okay. " Lucas said.

Chloe took her wallet and opened it. There's no money inside.

" Dammit! " Chloe said.

" I'm gonna pay for it. " Lucas said.

" Thanks. " Chloe said.

They went back to their seats and it was break time.

" You're great out there, Howard! " Lauren said.

" Thanks for cheering. " Howard said.

Lauren smiled. Then, break time's over.

" Our school's football team is winning. " Lucas said.

" Hayward University won! " the host said.

The other team congratulated Hayward University's football team.

" Nice game. " Hunter said.

" We should celebrate. " Howard said.

" My team did not win. " Hunter said.

" Still. " Howard said.

" Hey, is this your girlfriend? " Hunter asked.

" No, she's friend. " Howard answered.

" She cheered for your team and never stopped until the game was over. " Hunter said.

Chloe, Lucas, Howard, Lauren and Hunter went to In-N-Out restaurant to celebrate.

" You're a different girl. " Hunter said.

" Thanks. " Lauren said.

" Remember what Howard said? " Lucas whispered to Chloe.

" Yeah. Lauren's just a friend for him. " Chloe whispered to Lucas.

" She's really disappointed. " Lucas said.

Hunter and Lauren started talking. Howard started looking at them.

" I think he's jealous. " Chloe said.

After eating, the five of them took the taxi. While riding the taxi, Chloe took a picture.

" Good night! " Hunter said to Lauren.

" Good night! " Howard said.

" He's really jealous. " Chloe said to Lucas.

" Yeah. " Lucas said.

( I'm so sorry. It took long time to finish this. I accidentally ran out of ideas. Anyways, Happy New Year! )

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