C [3]

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( A/N : Thanks for everybody reading this. )

The sports festival yesterday rocked! It was fun. Everyone in our class congratulated Lucas. Jess Miller, Lauren Smith, Brandon Lee, Mr. Stewart and I congratulated Lucas this morning.

" I can't believe you beat the Sports Festival champion, Lucas! " Lauren said.

The bell rang and the students in the hallway started panicking. One of the students accidentally pushed Howard Young. Then, he bumped into Lauren. I'm watching them now.


"I'm sorry." he said as he helped Lauren stand.

"It's fine. It's not your fault." Lauren smiles.

"I'm really sorry." Howard says before walking his way to class.

Lauren, Howard, Jess, Lucas and I were left at the school hallway.

"Hey Howard. Wanna sit with us at the cafeteria later?" Jess Miller asked.

By the way, Jess is the most popular girl in the school and Howard Young is the most popular guy.

"Sorry, I'm gonna sit with my friends." Howard answered. Rejected.

"Oh, okay. I understand." Jess said as she curls her hair around her hair.

After that, both of them left.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't you tell me."

" I like him! He's cool." Lauren said.

"You don't know him yet, you have to know his personality before liking him."

"One word. Love at first sight." Lauren asked.

"You know about Jess and Howard, right? Both popular students. " Chloe answered.

"Howard busted Jess off just now." Lauren smiles wide.

" Should we go now? " Lucas asked.

" Yeah. " Lauren and I nod.


" What's your ideal type of girl? " Brandon asked.

" Is that really important? " Chloe asked.

" Yes. " Brandon answered.

" Well, just a simple and a good beautiful girl. " Howard answered.

" Oh, darling. I think Howard's describing you. " Sarah whispered to Jess.

" Of course he is. " Jess said.

" I have a lot of plans for you, Lauren. " Chloe said.

" What are your plans? " Lauren asked.

" Plan A, you have to act cool around him or just be yourself. " Chloe said.

" I can't do that. " Lauren said.

" Plan B, be friendly and be friends with him. " Chloe said.

" Friends with him? Friends with someone you like? I can't take that. " Lauren said.

" Plan C, you will be his date on the prom. " Chloe said.

" Okay....I can't. " Lauren said.

" You have to do this! " Chloe said.

" Howard. Hey, what are your hobbies? " Lauren asked.

" I love riding horses, soccer, and basketball. " Howard answered.

" Cool! I haven't ride a horse yet. " Lauren said.

" I'm gonna make you ride one. " Howard said.

Lauren smiled and blushed.

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