Chapter 2: Transferring

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Soarin's P.O.V.

I was school when we were called to the principal's office.

"Did any of you guys get us in trouble?" Spitfire questioned as we were making our way to the principal's office.

We all shook our heads no.

I don't remember doing anything bad. Last time I was called to the principal's office, it was because I accidentally threw the football all the way to the window of a classroom and got suspended from playing football for a month cause 5 students were near that window and they all got scars from the incident. But, that was the last time I ever went to the principal's office.

When we arrived our principal told us to have a seat.

"You all must be wondering why I called you all here." We all looked confused.

"You know the student exchange program, right?" she said lifting an eyebrow. We all shook our heads yes.

"Well you, the Wonderbolts, and a few other students from different grades have been chosen to transfer to another school for 2 weeks." We were all shocked from the news.

"You will be transferring to Canterlot High School." We all didn't know that place very well except that it has a destroyed horse statue.

"You will be leaving tomorrow." We all shook our heads because we didn't even have a choice but we're all going to CHS.

Rainbow Dash's P.O.V.

I was at school in the hallways with the Mane 7 when, "The Mane 7 or The Rainbooms, please report to Principal Celestia's office immediately." 

We were all confused and went there quickly. When we arrived we were told to take a seat. We saw Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna looking at us.

"You all must be wondering why your all here." Principal Celestia said. We all nodded cause we didn't know why we're here.

"You all will be tour guides for the students coming here from another school for 2 weeks. It's also because of the student exchange program." Principal Luna said and then, we all sighed in relief because we thought we were in trouble.

"Also, each of you will be taking different grade levels." P. Celestia said.

"The students transferring that are your grade levels will have the same classes with some of you." P. Luna said. 

"Wait, the same classes as us?" Pinkie said as she was blowing a balloon.

"Yes. That is correct Pinkie Pie." P.  Celestia said.

"They will be coming here tomorrow morning at the front doors so, we expect you all to be there and be good role models." P. Luna said. We all shook our heads in agreement and headed of to class. Wow, we we're going to have a lot of work tomorrow. Wait, I didn't even ask what school its gonna be.

"What school do you guys think it is?" I asked hoping for an answer.

"I hope it's Crystal Prep High." Rarity said while brushing her hair.

"Same, but I don't know how the other students react." Twilight said.

"Well y'all should be heading to class." AJ said.

"Bye guys!" Was all I said and then went to class.

~~~The Next Day~~~

Me and Fluttershy are help Twilight are help Twilight fly and how to fold her wings while the others are helping her not crash into thing. We were all pony-uped when.

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