Chapter 5

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Raymond. Raymond had shot him. This was witnessed by all the people who were watching the news.

Dad! No, no, no. (He whimpered into his hands as Kylee hugged him.)

It's okay. It's okay. (She comforted him.)

Oh Leon. I'm so, so, sorry. (She said as she covered her mouth and patted him on his bare back.)

Mrs. Coleman, could you drive me to .Thornberry St. Please I just want to see my dad. (He begged while crying.)

Okay. Okay.

With no hesitation, she went to the garage, followed by her daughter and Leon. She got in the driver seat and started the car, then Leon and Kylee entered the car and sat in the backseats. She drove off and headed to Thornberry St.

Oh no you're not. (He sneered, then he pointed his gun to Pablo, who was still behind a rock holding Quinton.)

Woah Raymond. Why are aiming at me?

Because, you have got to die. I only joined this stupid gang because I killed your sister! (He yelled.) All those years of trying to poison you, assassinate you, and now I can finally kill you. (He seethed.) You said I can stay away from jail only if I joined your gang. My whole life was nothing but slavery and regret. Now I finally get to kill you! (He cried as he aimed the gun at Pablo and shot him, but instead he missed and shot Quinton.) No. No! (He cried.)

It ain't my fault that you're a lousy shot. (He said, dropping Quinton and shooting Raymond.) You weren't even my favorite anyways.

The police chopper noticed what was happening and informed the police.

Sir, it seems that two thugs have been shot and the kid has been shot too. I give you the go ahead to apprehend the criminals. (He informed, over the intercom.)

Hold on, did you just say the hostage is shot?

Yes sir.

We have waited too long. (He turns off his intercom and informs his men.) Listen everyone, the hostage has been shot by the thugs. I give you the green light to apprehend these guys. (He instructed, as some policemen began shooting at Pablo and the other thugs. They also began shooting back.)

Come out with your hands in the air! (He said while shooting.)

The police manage to shoot down the thugs leaving Pablo all on his own.

Come out you piece of trash. You've got nowhere to run. (He was still shooting.)

Pablo was shooting back but he ran out of ammo. All he could hear around him was gunshots.

Crud! (He exclaimed.)

Moments later, Therese had arrived only to see a massive roadblock that was created by the police. She tried to get the cops to let her in.

What do you mean I can't get in?!

You hear that ma'am? (He asked as Therese could hear the gunshots.) Sorry ma'am, you'll have to back up. (He instructed, as she reversed all pulled up near a news van.)

Sorry kids. It looks like we are going to have to wait until the war's over.

What about dad?

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