The Unnoticed Baggage

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"It doesn't hurt my feelings though", Patton said through a wall of tears.

Roman just looked him over. "I'm not the hero you thought I was", he said harshly before walking towards the sunset.

One month earlier
Early morning shone down on the mind palace as a ruckus came from the direction of the kitchen. Roman had been up for awhile scrolling through Instagram but decided to check what was going on. He crept into the kitchen and saw Patton calmly making cookies, the Campfire Song Song gently playing from his phone. Roman then had a sinister idea.

He quietly crossed the distance between him and Patton, using his quick footwork from saving comatose princes all those years. He debated doing it ,as Patton looked so peaceful, but he was resolute.

"MORNING PUFFBALL", Roman yelled running his hand through Patton's hair.

Patton let out a high pitched squeal and dropped his flour everywhere. He quickly turned around in horror, but immediately recognized the red garment in front of him.

"Roman oh my goodness kiddo you scared me!", He said out of breath.

Suddenly they hear fast footsteps cascading down the stairs and in popped a very frazzled Virgil. His headphones were around his neck and his hoodie was falling off his shoulders.

"Dad are you okay?", he said fearfully puzzled by the seemingly calm atmosphere.

"Yeah sorry to frighten you,my wilting rose, I just decided to give Patton a scare", Roman said with a bright smile.

Virgil rolled his eyes at Roman's nickname. "Well don't do that again, I almost had a panic attack!" He said out of breath.

"Oh my gracious! Anxiety having anxiety, how unthinkable!", Roman said with a chuckle. Virgil just stomped out of the room.

Logan walked in seemingly gloomier than usual.

"Morning Lo! Coffee is brewing and will be done in two minutes.", Patton said cheerfully clearing up the spilled flour.

Logan seemed dazed and confused. "Where's the alcohol?", Logan grumbled.

Patton turned around and gave Logan a look. "In the top cabinet, to the right, but it's eight- thirty in the morning!", Pat said clearly troubled.

"Hey Flashdrive you feeling okay?", Roman said amusingly.

Logan threw down the glass he was holding and Patton shrieked out of a mixture of confusion and fear. Roman pulled a sword out of nowhere and pulled Patton behind him.

"Great poisioned apple! What has gotten into you Logan?", Roman shouted.

"That's not my name", Logan snapped.

"Alright I'll stop with the dumb nicknames, you didn't have to scare Patton like that though!", Roman said remorsefully.

Logan smirked and a black cloak swooshed over him revealing a very different outfit.

"What have you done with Logan!", Roman shouted while pointing the sword at Deceit.

"He's out on errands don't worry, I just decided to drop in for a chat", Deceit said slyly.

Deceit looked Roman over and his eyes stopped on Patton peeking over Roman's shoulder.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the sunshine of the group", Deceit said with a smirk. Patton's head popped back behind Roman.

Deceit slowly made his way from the liquor cabinet towards Roman. "Hey Roman, mind if I chat with your little friend?", Deceit said.

"Absolutely not, you slimy reptile!", Roman barked out. He could feel Patton nervously grab the back of his shirt.

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