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My school was going on a long, overnight trip. It seems like certain students were selected to go on the trip, so there were not many of us at the trip. However, I realized that the people that went on the trip had some sort of leadership position in the school. There was less than thirty people in total. I remember that we were traveling by coach bus and that I took a whole row to myself because the bus had extra space. I was sitting around the middle of the bus by myself. Everyone else was further back in the bus. I don't know why but it seemed as if something was bothering me or as if I was going through something because it seems like I was isolating myself. 

My school was going to a place that was very far away. It was getting darker and darker and we really needed a place to spend the night because the journey would not be able to be completed without making some type of stop to rest. Our school chaplain announced that we were close to a church that he had friends at. He also said that he could see if we could spend the night there because it seemed like we could not find any hotels to rest at, and the bus would not be the most comfortable to spend the night in.

A while later, arrangements were made for us to stay at the church that night. As we got closer to the church, the guidance counselor on the trip announced to us that we should only take basic things like blankets, pillows, and hygiene products. They also announced that we would be unable to shower there because they did not have showers. I quickly gathered my pillow, blanket, and bag that contained hygiene products.

We got to the church and it looked kind of big. The bus was parked and we started getting off. For some reason, I was somewhat tired. We were led inside the church and were given a quick tour. We only had access to the sanctuary, the fellowship hall, and the restrooms. The building and the lighting seemed somewhat old fashioned because of the way the wood was used to design the interior and because of its lights. The sanctuary was somewhat big and it had a spacious balcony on top, which we also had access to. The fellowship hall was downstairs. It was a big spacious and we were only to gather there for meals. 

They let us know that we would have to make ourselves comfortable in the sanctuary and that they were making arrangements to get us some food before we went to sleep. While our teachers got that settled, we went into the sanctuary to find a pew to sleep on. Each one of us would sleep on our own pew. I wanted to sleep in the balcony, so I went upstairs. I was not surprised when a few others decided to join me upstairs. After all, it was cozy and spacious.It seemed as if the balcony had four main lights. Two were for the back and the other two were for the front. 

I picked a pew around the middle-back of the spacious balcony and put my things down. I was on my phone for a while doing random things that I have no knowledge of. All I know is that I was not paying attention to my surroundings. Meanwhile, everyone else was also getting settled in their pews, and they were also socializing. Eventually, the teachers called us down to the social room to eat something they had gotten for us. If I remember correctly, they had ordered us pizza.

I was not really in the mood for food because I was not feeling well emotionally, so I said that I was tired and was going to sleep. Everyone else went downstairs to eat, but I stayed in the balcony. I finished getting my things arranged and looked around to soak in my surroundings. At the corner of the balcony, I spotted a huge teddy bear. It was navy blue with white ears and paws and, and red stitching. The teddy bear was by a pile of boxes that seemed to belong to the church.

I thought that the teddy bear did not belong to anyone that was on the trip, so I took the teddy bear and headed back to my pew. I hugged the teddy bear and eventually dozed off to sleep. A while later, when I was in a deep sleep, everyone that was sleeping in the balcony came back upstairs from the fellowship hall. They were getting ready for bed. Many of them went to sleep, but three people stayed awake. Those three people were Darnell, Lucy, and Becky. 

Lucy and Becky were hanging out for a bit before going to sleep. Darnell, on the other hand, was walking around the balcony looking for something. Lucy and Becky caught on to the fact that something was wrong, so they went to him and asked him what he was looking for. Darnell was a bit reluctant to answer, but he eventually told them that he was looking for a navy blue teddy bear. Lucy and Becky then agreed to help him find it.

They looked almost everywhere, but could not find it. However, they did not give up on the search. They kept looking and looking and eventually one of them noticed that I had a bear that fit the description. That person then called the other two to the pew in which I was sleeping. They stared at me as if wondering if I was really sleeping or not. Then, Darnell confirmed that it was his bear. He decided that he did not want to take it away from me because I looked peaceful sleeping with it, and he did not want to wake me. The others agreed, and they all went to sleep.

It was early in the morning and everyone was in the process of waking up and getting their things together to eat some breakfast and then continue on the trip. Everyone was awake, but I was still sleeping. Lucy, Becky, and Darnell came to me. They were planning on waking me up so that I could get ready to leave, and so that Darnell could get his bear back. Before they woke me up, I shifted and woke up by myself. I looked at the three people surrounding me and grew confused as to why they were standing there looking at me.

Darnell said a double-entente and me, being the person that I am, said a double-entente in return. From there, we engaged in a short, flirtatious conversation. Then, I found out that it was his bear and I gave it to him. I don't remember much from that point on, but I remember that we walked down to the Fellowship Hall together for breakfast. I was very confused. We ate breakfast and headed back to the bus to continue on our trip. When I boarded the bus, I went back to my seat from the day before and got myself comfortable. For the rest of the ride, I was just thinking about what had just happened in pure confusion. 

That is how the dream ended. I have no thoughts about it. It just seems like an episode in a show to me. I hope I get a continuation to the dream to see how the show ends. Meanwhile, I will keep writing about other dreams I have had.

Once Upon a DreamWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt