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I never knew how weird dreams could be until I dreamt the following dream...

The dream took place in a world where good and evil coexisted along with many weird creatures. However, there were some areas which were considered to be dark territories. Regardless of that, the sun never shone in that world. Instead, it was always very, very cloudy with a red light coming from behind the clouds. It looked something like this, but with more dark gray clouds...

In the dream, some friends and I were quite the adventurous bunch, so we decided to go on an aimless journey together

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In the dream, some friends and I were quite the adventurous bunch, so we decided to go on an aimless journey together. 

We traveled through many areas including some dark areas. When we reached a particular dark territory, we were a bit exhausted, so we decided to find a place to stay there. 

Now, in the dark territories they had a certain regulation system to get rid of people that were good. Giant black slugs with three heads and many arms, with the power to make good people disappear, would appear and get rid of good people. Many tried to fight back, but not everyone made it out to tell the story. my friends and I did not really care about that, so we went anyways.

In the middle of the night there was a loud BANG that woke us up. We got up to see one of those slugs. It was so big that it broke the ceiling and the floor it stood on. All of us tried or best to run away, but three of my friends ended up being zapped by a laser that came out of the eyes of the slug.  

As that happened, some sort of liquid sea flowed through the place we were standing in. It carried us away, but luckily, we were able to float on objects that floated on the liquid. Soon enough, we found an abandoned boat or ship that was just the right size for five travelers.

Out of the five of us that remained, there was a good looking blond guy with blue eyes, a beautiful Asian girl with the darkest black hair, a tall and decent looking black guy, a pretty South American girl, and me. While we were sailing on the endless sea, I found out that I was pregnant.

In that world, there was a system that a woman would not know if she was pregnant or not until she reached a certain point in the pregnancy. The woman would also go into labor when she reached a different point in the pregnancy. 

I knew I was pregnant because a baby bump almost magically appeared on me. That was the signal that I was pregnant. I told the others about my pregnancy and they were confused about how I ended up pregnant, yet happy for me. 

We were sailing for a very long time in the vast, endless sea when a storm struck. The waters raged and rocked the boat violently. We noticed that out in the distance there was a castle on an island that randomly appeared in the middle of the sea, so we decided to make our way there to take shelter. 

(P.S. It looked like a mix of the following pictures, but with more violent waves and more red skies.)


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