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When I was younger, I moved from KY to NYC. Before my parents told me that we were moving, I had a dream that we had moved to another city. Was it a coincidence that the dream came true?

This chapter is about the dream I had last night. I don't know if this dream is to be taken seriously or if it means nothing at all. I only know that it has been on my mind ever since I woke up, and I don't know how to feel about that.


My family and I were living in our home in NYC when my father received the news that he had to move somewhere else because of work. My father accepted the request. Within two weeks, we had everything packed and prepared to move. A big truck came to carry all of our belongings to our new house. The truck went ahead to the new location, but we stayed behind for a few more days. During those days, we said our goodbyes to our family and friends that lived in the area. It was very sad.

I remember that our new home wasn't too far from our old home. In other words, it wasn't as far as Florida is from Michigan, but more like the distance of Alabama to Kentucky.

We set out on a road trip to our new home. I remember being sad during the duration of the road trip, but when I saw our new home I was a bit excited. The house was big. It had high ceilings, a spacious kitchen, and a nice living room. It also had nice rooms, but I don't remember how they looked on the inside. The house had a big garage and a nice backyard. I remember that the backyard had a decent pool. I love swimming, and I remember that in my dream, I was excited to swim in the pool.

I remember that in my dream, it took us a long time to unpack and get settled.

My sister and I were kind of mad at the fact that my parents had friends over frequently, but since we hadn't really made friends, we never had friends over. I remember that one day I woke up and my parents told my sister and I to get ready because people were coming over. They didn't tell us who was going to come over, though. My sister and I assumed that it was going to be the same thing as always so we just stayed in our rooms.

Later on I heard some commotion outside where the pool was. I was confused because I didn't know who was at my house, and my mother had not told me that the people were already there. I opened my window and looked outside to see who was there. I was really surprised and happy to see that my friends from NYC were outside by the pool. My sisters friends were there too. They all noticed that I was at the window, and they told me to go outside to join them. I changed quickly and went outside to the pool area.

I remember that my friends and I had a lot of fun outside. When we went inside, our mothers were in the kitchen preparing food, and our fathers were talking around in the living room. The parents that weren't in the kitchen or in the living room, were either around the pool or around the house doing other things.

I don't remember how that ended. The next part of my dream that I remember is a lot of running and destruction. I remember that something happened and we all started running and trying to take cover from something. We might have been playing a game or something, but I don't remember.

I never got to know how the dream ended because I woke up.

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