Chapter 5: Enigma

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"A girl can't give her heart too easily."
"Love keeps no recard of wrangs."


"I told you, someone called my name!"

"You must be hearing things, Jisoo."

"No, i'm not!"

I am still crept out about what happened in my room. The voice just so clear like it's whispering in my ear. "It's a woman. I'm sure of it."

"Wait, do you think there's a ghost in our house?"

"No...but, i'm sure i heard it..."

Jisu looks at me for a while. She tilts her head slightly as if thinking something. "I can think of any other explanation about that. It's either your imagination or a ghost." I stare off in a distance.

"But, why would there be a ghost all of a sudden? There's no sign of abnormal activities in the past..." She shrugs.

"...Unless you did a ritual or something." I turn to jisu, waiting for her continue. "I don't really watch horror movies, but there are times when they do stuffs to summon a ghost?"

"I didn't do anything weird last night or this mor...." I trailed when something in my mind came up.

'The mysterious, beautiful box....'

Now that i think about it, after i opened the box it feels cold in my room. I can't put my finger on it, but something changed.

'It can't be...there's nothing inside the box...'

Then my eyes widen.

'But what if the ghost is in the box?!'

Chills ran down on my spine and cold sweat coats my forehead.

"Jisoo? What's wrong? You look live you've seen a ghost." But it feels like i didn't hear her talking. My eyes are still wide and dilated.

'No, Mom said that something in there can grant a can't be a ghost!'

But there's nothing inside the box. Nothing that can grant a wish.

'Ugh, this is messing my must be my imagination.'

I nod, trying to convince myself.

'That's right, my imagination.'

I arrived in Our school safely and early as usual. The moment i opened the door, ny eyed naturally travel to namjoon's seat.

It's empty.

'He's still not here?'

I tilt my head, questions are flooding in my mind.

'What if he got off the wrong station again? Did he get lost in the crowd? Or what if he didn't remember the way here? Wait...why am i worried?'

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