Special Chapter: Memories (Her)

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"I'm just as afraid as i am anticipating."
"Just let me love you."

We were fifteen when we officially 'met' each other. I would always hear from Hiram about what kind of person you are based on his observation. And i thought, we wouldn't really get along well. I don't know how i am going to like you.

In the first place, i don't even know how to love. Hiram also told me that i don't need to force myself to like you. I will automatically feel attracted to you since you are my soulmate. But, if i am attracted to you because you are my soulmate, that won't be true love right?

But i can't help feeling attracted to you.

I don't know if it's our souls that are attracted to one another or i am attracted to you.

Because the moment i saw you, i felt at ease.

My senses heightened. I can feel blood rushing in my veins. The moment you entered the bus, you already caught my attention. It was pure coincidence.

You were carrying so many things. Struggle is visible on your face. You hair is disheveled, and there are bags under your eyes. You plop down on your seat with a sigh. The bus is not yet moving so i took the opportunity to sit near you.

You were just looking outside the window, and i can't see your face.

"What a hardworking girl..."

I can't help but mutter.

You are carrying a laptop, your schoolbag, paper bag which contains illustration boards and papers. I can also see a ruler popping out. You also badminton rackets.

"Wow...school must be a lot of work."

The bus started to move. You rest your head on the window and sighs.

'You must be really tired, huh.'

I want to embrace and comfort you, but that would be weird. You probably don't know me. After a while, your eyes start to close. I took the chance and sat beside you. I finally notice the keychain dangling on your bag.

Ah, i have one like that.

Hiram said it was with me when he found me. I don't know if it was from my parents or some random strager just put it in my box.

But i'm glad.

Now, if our keychains for each other, that means we are each other's half. The bus wobbles a little, resulting your head to lean on my shoulder. I stare at your relaxing profile.

I feel warm inside.
I feel completed.

I reach out and pat your head gently.

"Rest well."

I suddenly scrunch up your face. You let out a quiet groan and squeeze your face on my shoulder. I tense up slightly at the sudden action.

Can she breathe properly?

You inhale deeply in your sleep, as if taking in my scent, then the knit on your brows loosen up. My shoulder also relaxes when i saw your expression. I let you rest on my shoulder. I don't really mind.

This is the only way i can help her.

However, i can't risk showing my identity to you. Hiram would be furious if i show myself to you.

But there's this small part of me that wants her to know me.


You clutch into my sleeve weakly.

Oh no, is she awake?

I look over and see another frown on your face. You're still sleeping.

But more importantly...

Who is Dokyeom?

Then, anothet thought hit me.

What if you already like someone?

What will happen to me?
Can't i have a change to be with you?
Even as a friend?

I'll be happy even if i'm not your lover, but Hiram will not.

I guess, i just have to steal your heart from that Dokyeom.

I look outside the window and notice that i'm almost near my stop. I gently remove your head from my shoulder. I look at your face one last time, tracing a finger on your faint scar.

Wait for me, Jisoo.

Who would've though that our love story will be forceful and unusual?

I thought that it would be full of magic and sparkle.

I'm sorry.

I want our story to be normal.
I want to give you best experiences.

I just want you to be happy.

Memories of us come flooding in my mind after i've read my journal. I found it hidden under my bed and i don't know why it was there. Some crumpled papers came along with it. When i read the pieces of papers, it was our small conversation during classes.

Guilt filled my heart.

'How could i forget you?'

Without wasting any time, i grab my white flower and run. Run to where we last saw each other. I waited so long for you. I just can't sit and wait longer.

I will run to you.

'Wait for me, Jisoo.'


THE HALF ✓[NAMSOO AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon