Chapter 2.

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Elsa's POV

I was on my way to Hiccup's house, when realized Olaf was gone.

"Olaf!" I called, and heard his cute little bark.

"Hey, Elsa, I think someone wants to play!" Jack Frost came running to my, my white puppy in his arms. It had to be the most adorable thing ever!

"Thank you Jack, I don't think Hiccup will mind to much if you tag along." As Jack was handing Olaf over, the rascal decided to jump down and run back to the park.

Then my phone rang in my pocket.

Hiccup: Where are you babe?

Elsa: Olaf is getting out of hand. I'm at the park, can you come help?

Hiccup: Sure, I'll be right there

"Who's that?" Jack asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Hiccups coming to help." I said quickly. I shoved my phone in my pocket, than took off after Olaf who was barking up a tree at an unknown thing.

"Hey, Elsie, I'm here!" Hiccup yelled as he walked towards me and Jack, Toothless jumping around his feet.

"Hi, I'm Jack, Jack Frost. Nice to meet you." Jack said as he held out his hand. The look Hiccup gave him was a mix of hatred and disdain, almost like Hiccup was... Jealous?

"Can we go now? I'd rather not have anybody upset with me for not being able to contain him, you know." I gestured in the direction Olaf ran, than began chasing him.

"Hey, Elsa, I think I found him!" Hiccup called, squatting down in front of a fully green bush.

"Really! Wait, check for a small snowball that has a brown spot on top." I said running over to where Hiccup was.

"Yep that's him alright." Said Jack, who was digging in the bushes. Suddenly Olaf jumped out, but instead of running towards Hiccup, like he always does, he ran to Jack.

"Hey there little buddy" Said Jack while petting and giving Olaf a treat.

"Aww" I said when I saw the adorable sight. I then noticed Hiccup with jealousy in his eyes.

"C'mon, babe let's go to my house so Olaf and Toothless can play." Hiccup said while taking Olaf out of Jack's arms, and he gave Jack a fake smile.

~Jack POV~

It seemed like Hiccup didn't like me, and most people like me. I could tell because when he took Olaf away from me he gave me a fake smile, I did the same.

I saw him mouth something to me I think it was ' Don't get to close to my girl' and then he 'smiled' and said "C'mon, babe let's go to my house so Olaf and Toothless can play."

It was an awkward silence and Elsa broke it by saying "Ok let's go, bye Jack see you later....." and was interrupted by Hiccup when he kissed her on the lips.

Ugh!!! I thought to myself as I almost threw up in my mouth. Hiccup then said "Sorry gotta go Jack, me and my babe Elsa have to go on a date tonight"

"Ok don't mind me continue on to your date I was just about to go and leave" I smiled as I said that.

"Bye Olaf see you later little buddy, bye Elsa.......oh and you to Hiccup." I said and frowned during the last part.

"Bye Jack, sorry for Olaf's behavior today." Said Elsa as she was turning around to go to her car with Hiccup having his hand over her shoulder.

"No prob. I always like having a little fun myself especially with a cutie like you.. Um I mean him... Olaf." I said as I blushed a little, it wasn't noticeable though.

~Hiccup's POV~

Man! I hate this guy, hmph! Trying to flirt with my girl.

"C'mon Elsa let's hurry up Toothless is probably getting lonely" I said to Elsa who was smiling at Jack but then reacted and said "Yeah probably."

~Jack Pov~

I watched as they left I saw Elsa turn around and wave at me and I waved back, but then that guy named Hiccup. I'm not really like this with peoples names but that name made me want to hiccup.

I walked back home since I left my car at home anyways, and I was greeted by my little sis, Emma "Hey big bro what's with that big dreamy smile on you face"

"Me?" "Yes you your drooling"

I was in Elsa DreamLand. "Earth to Jack! Earth to JACK!"


"Wake up from whatever land your in."

"Sorry little sis I'm just distracted" I slightly blushed.

"Who's the lucky girl hmmm?" She asked while dragging me to the living room.

"How do you know it's a girl?.... I mean ugh never mind... Why do you want to know??" I said while blushing a little more.

"Cuz I can help you get her... Duh." She said while begging for me to tell her. I stayed quiet for a while before I decided to answer, because Emma is in highschool she is 15, so she could help because I'm 18.

"It's...*sigh* its Elsa Arendelle from school"

Emma gasped "Yes, finally I knew you were meant to be!"

"What! You know her?" I asked confused. "Duh of course I do everyone knows her, but you well until now."

"Ok but why did you say about us being meant to be????" I asked still wondering why she said that.

"Well because you guys look cute if your put together....Ooo I just got an idea do you really like her?"

"Well I'm still not sure but I want to get to know her more, but it would be hard for her to like me because she has Hiccup her 'boyfriend'. Ugh! I don't know why but I just don't like him, and also she has the most admirers at school so I don't see anything in the future for us."

"Well you my big bro are wrong, because I will come up with the most amazing plan of all with her sister Anna, she also thinks you guys are good for each other even if you barely know each other, and it shall be called Operation JelsaMission." I was shocked because she already had a name for it and that her and Elsa's sister ship us.

"Wow!" I said to her. She then left to go to her room it was already late, but as she was walking she turned around and said "Tomorrow we start the Operation so get ready." And then she left.

Tomorrow we start the 'Operation' I guess so I headed off to my room and fell asleep.

"Hey Emma!" I called her back.

"Your forgetting she has a boyfriend!"


"What?" I asked as she poked her hard around the corner.

"Your case of stupidity is worse than I thought"

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