Chapter 4.

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I woke up to ringing. My phone was vibrating and ringing, the screen lit up. The clock said 1:00. With out thinking, I grabbed it and answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Elsa?" Jack answered.

"Hey, um, hi, how do you have my phone number? And why are you calling me so late?"

"I just... Well Emma, she gave it to me. And I couldn't sleep." He mumbled.

"Oh. That's... Ok." I stumbled, unable to really come up with an intelligent sentence.

"Ok." He said.

"Ok." I repeated.


"Stop flirting with me!" I nearly yelled as I ended the call. I really wish I could have made a slamming sound he could hear. I really wanted to.

I really felt bad about how I yelled at him, and ended the call. I pushed that thought out of my mind, and I turned over and tried to fall back asleep.

When I couldn't fall back asleep I checked the time and it was 2:34, I just kept thinking why Jack called me instead of his other friends.

I eventually fell asleep though, because I was tired, and I had school later.


I don't know why I called Elsa so late its just that I can't get her out of my mind. Do I like her... No I just met her and, she has that boyfriend, Hiccup.

When I called Elsa I didn't think of what to say I just called her. When she answered it sounded like I woke her up.

{Jack's thoughts}

"No, duh Jack she was awake the whole night waiting for someone to call"


I was surprised when she answered.

"Hello" she said groggily.

"Elsa" I replied because I couldn't think of what to say.

She asked me why in called her so late, and why I had her number. I told her that Emma gave it to me, so I wouldn't have to answer why I was calling her at this time.

She said "Oh. That's... Ok..."

That was awkward so I just said "Ok".... Then she said "Ok."

"Ok" I said back because I still haven't thought of anything to talk to her about.

She then said something that suprised me, she yelled "Stop flirting with me!" Before I could answer she hung up.

I regret calling her especially after she said that.


It was really late in the night. Or, the morning. Toothless was laying on my feet, purring gently as he slept. I still had a nagging feeling as I tossed and turned in bed. It was Sunday night, so I would have a chance tomorrow to set that Jack strait.

}The Next Day{

I was standing in front of Elsa's home, about to ring the doorbell when the door flew open. A flustered Elsa came running out, knocking me over. Her hair had been thrown into a messy French braid, still slightly damp. She normally wears a light pink lip stick, and a light color of eye shadow, but today Elsa was make-up free.

I quickly glanced over her appearance, white jeans and a loose dark blue tank top


I woke up to a wetness on my face.

"Olaf!" I said, as the little dog jumped on my bed, barking happily.

I glanced at the clock, then rolled over in my bed. Only to jump up and out of bed in one quick motion. It was 8:45, on Monday! Hiccup will be here in TEN MINUTES!

I practically flew through my room as I scrambled to get dressed. With out thinking, I grabbed a pair of white jeans and a dark blue top. I was in the shower only two minutes, but I didn't have enough time to dry my hair fully. My hair was thrown into a messy braid, and I grabbed a pair of shoes, blue shoes the same shade as my top.

I slid down the hand rail instead of taking the steps, nearly falling backwards. I ran out the front door after picking up my satchel I use as a backpack. I wasn't watching where I was going and ran into Hiccup, who was standing in front of the door.

"Are you ok?" I stood up, pulling Hiccup up with me. He kissed me on the lips, putting one arm around my back, pulling me closer.

"Come on, we already late as it is, Hiccup!" I told Hiccup as I pulled away from him. He was going to far with this, this thing!


I was standing at the front gates, waiting for the school to open. I like getting here early, because I like to go to my locker first, when the halls are mostly empty, so I can get a seat in the back of the classroom.

I do that to not get noticed by people, but even if I try not to get noticed, I always do by crazy girls. Their faces are always have like 'ten pounds' of makeup. They also always follow me around. So that's why I always decide to come early to school.

The sounds of two people walking echoed down the hall as I was about to walk into the room.

Elsa and Hiccup.

"So this is late, nobody else is here!" Hiccup exclaimed as Elsa laughed.

"I try to avoid the wannabes always following me, the girls that where literally a gazillion pounds of make up. And the big, handsome- oof!" Elsa said, and I presumed Hiccup had Hiccup had elbowed her. They stopped walking for a moment, just around the corner to my left.

"I was just kidding, you don't have to worry. I would never leave you."

"Good." He said in a strange voice, almost triumphantly. "I- I love you so... I couldn't leave you."

When Elsa turned the corner, she was alone. Hiccup must not have the same class as her. Elsa walked my direction, and I stepped into the classroom, but glanced behind me.

I caught Elsa's eye, those big, beautiful, blue eyes, just as she closed the door to the music room behind her.

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