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"Oy Draco it looks like this one is full." I hear a pudgy boy say, the blond guy I know to be Draco Malfoy glances at me before recognition flashes in his eyes. "Mars?" He says disbelief laced in his voice, "Draco." I say politely crossing my legs.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were homeschooled." He resorts settling onto the seat across from me, "Convinced Mum to let come here." I briefly reply. The pudgy looking guy comes in and sits next to Draco and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Merlin, your father is Epsilon Delphinus." The boy says in awe. My father is a very well known potioneer he has created many potions that are now used commonly throughout the wizarding world and even taught at schools. My father comes from a family of pure bloods who were death eaters, he himself is a death eater and so is my mother but it's not something we often talk about.

Pulling me out of my thoughts I hear a voice say "yes Crabbe, she is the daughter of the great Delphinus," Draco says dismissively. "Now, can you please tell the others that this compartment is available."Crabbe gets up and leaves to get "the others" I presume.

Now it was just Draco and I. "How've you been Malfoy?" I ask in a bored tone. Draco and I had met through our parents, they all were friends when they were our age. My family used to spend summers at the Malfoy manner where Draco and I became good friends. But that friendship fizzled out over time when he barley had time to see me. We would see each other occasionally at his family's annual Christmas gala or at social functions held over the summer.

"Just fine." He responds with a yawn, "thrilled for your first day?" He asks. "I'm not sure how I feel. I think I'm partly scared about getting lost to be honest." This earns a bark of laughter from Draco, "you will be just fine. That is if you are sorted into Slytherin of course." Draco remarks smirking.

"I think I'll be disowned if I don't get sorted into Slytherin." I half joked. "Felt the same way my first year." Draco says in a nostalgic voice. He was about to say something when Pansy Parkinson barges in. "Ugh, so it is true. Mars Delphinus really is going to attend Hogwarts." She says as she glares at me,

I know Pansy from when we were younger she never really liked me sometimes I think she's just jealous of me. I don't really know what for, there's nothing really special about me. Whenever we see each other at social functions most pure bloods go to she gives me the cold shoulder or just glares at me.

"Yes Pansy, I'm attending Hogwarts." I snap. Pansy gives me a cold look and turns around to practically sit on Draco's lap. Malfoy gives her a sour look and moves away from her.

"Oh don't mind Pansy she's a right bitch." I hear a voice say next to me. I turn my head to see a girl with a smile on her face "I'm Millicent Bulstrode," she says. "I'm-" I start, "I know who you are, Mars Delphinus. You're all everyone can talk about." She says.

I chuckle uncomfortably when a boy I know to be Blaise Zambini walks in. "Ah, so the rumors are true." He smirks, "Mars Delphinus is finally attending Hogwarts." He says as he sits down next to Millicent. "That I am," I reply snarkily.

The remaining hours were filled with gossiping and debating on very odd topics, I would chime in occasionally. "Oh look we're here." I hear Millicent say. I turn my head and see the castle, it's awfully large.

We chamber out of the compartment and onto the platform, "Welcome home, Mars." I hear a low voice say behind me, "home? I wouldn't be so sure yet, Draco." I say as we walk towards the carriages. I get many awestruck glances from the students, I'm assuming their fans of my father.

We all sit in the carriage, Blaise making sure no one but us enters it. "You know Mars and I used to be best friends," Draco starts as he plops down next to me, "I'm not sure what happened to us." He turns his head to face me and gives me a coy smile. "She probably realized what a proper git you are." Millicent says with a wicked grin.

"Thanks for that Bulstrode." Draco says sarcastically, "I'm actually not completely sure. I think when you went off to Hagwarts you were far to busy for me." I spoke up, "that's not true." Draco says with a frown. I shrug as Pansy starts rambling about nonsense I could care less about.

As soon as the carriage takes a halt in front of the humongous castle my nerves were spreading like a wildfire.

What if I'm not sorted into Slytherin? No, I have to be my whole bloodline was in Slytherin. As if Draco could sense my discomfort he leans into my ear and murmurs "what's wrong?" Oh Merlin I could feel his breath against my ear, "What if I don't get sorted into Slytherin?" I ask stubbornly. "You will. I can't see you in any other house to be honest." He says sincerity laced in his voice. "Thanks Malfoy." I say a small smile pulling at my lips.

He grins down at me as he takes hold of my arm and pulls me out of the carriage.

His playful manor immediately changes when a girl with Griffindor robes bumps into him. "Watch where you prod around, you mudblood." He scowls at the girl, the girls eyes fills with tears as she rushes into the great hall.

I guess I should be disappointed in him for making her cry but I really don't find it in me to care. Most pure blood families train their children that muggle born wizards and witches shouldn't be allowed in the Wizarding World.

My parents taught me the same thing, but I was also taught not to waste my time down talking the less fortunate.

"Who was that?" I ask Draco as we walk into the great hall. "Hermoine Granger. Filthy muggle, she's friends with blood traitor Ron Weasly and Harry Potter. Those three are pratically  attached by the hip, I bet they get separation anxiety when they're apart for too long." He laughs.

A man I know to be Severus Snape approaches me I see many glances and whispers being thrown my way. "Come this way Miss Delphinus, we will start the sorting very shortly." He says in a bored tone, "looks like someone's the talk of the century." Says Mellicent referring to all the amazed looks I was getting. "No surprise there. She is practically royalty." Says Blaise, "funny." I snort.

"Alright, alright you can all get your autographs later." Says a tall boy, "I'm Gregory Goyle, pleased to meet you Delphinus." He says stretching out his hand. I glance down at his hand and cross my arms, "Pleasure." I say dryly, I turn away from my new-found group of friends and join the first years.

Everyone settled into their house tables as the headmaster starts a speech. I tune out all of what he was saying lost in my own train of thought. I'm terrified of not getting into Slytherin, what will my parents think?

I will be an embarrassment to the family- "Mars Delphinus," I see an old women say. I look up and I see the sorting ceremony had already begun. I gulp as I walk to the chair, I wipe my sweaty palms onto my robes.

I sit down and the hat is placed onto my head. I steal a quick glance at my friends who are waiting in anticipation.

"Ah who do have here," says the hat, "a Delphinus? Eh. Hm bravery of a Griffindor, the smarts of a Ravenclaw- oh and is that ambition? Pride? Wit?"
Oh bogarts just sort me already I think "Well it will be... Slytherin!"

A relieved smile makes its way onto my face as the Slytherin table erupts in cheers and claps. I breathe a sigh of relief and walk my way towards my new friends.

As I sit between Millicent and Goyle, I feel like I finally belong somewhere. I turn my head to the Griffindor table and see the famous Harry Potter and his two sidekicks speaking in hushed voices and taking quick glances at me. My smile wavers a little but I turn around to look back at my new family.


Hi!!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book. This fan fic will be a roller coaster, so I hope you can add this to your library and don't forget to vote please!!!!

Have a good day xxx

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