"You will be seeing them shortly."

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Hello everyone welcome to this new chapter.

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It's been a week since Draco had confessed his old crush on me and the whole group has been pestering the two of us none stop. They've been saying things like "how good we would look together" and rubbish like that.

Draco and I aren't really bothered by it, most of the time if someone says something we'll either give them a cold glare or laugh it off.
Currently Draco and myself are sitting next to each other in the DADA room. "Open your books to page 78." The pink wearing "professor" instructs in her annoyingly high pitched voice.

"If she utters another word I think I'll have to curse her." Malfoy says distaste apparent in his voice.

I snort and reply "you would probably get a lifetime supply of detention." , "no, she favors us Slytherins." He claims swiftly. I've noticed Professor Umbridge has taking a liking to Slytherin house, it's almost as if she prefers us over any other house.

It's rather strange. "I hear she's forming some kind of tattle group." I murmur to him careful not to get caught talking by Umbridge who is babbling on about Merlin knows what.

"She is? Perhaps I'll take joy in joining. As much as I despise Umbridge my love for getting people into trouble outrules my hatred."

Draco shares with me, "I don't think I would want to join. I have better things to attend to, such as studying. Which is something you should start doing too so you can pass your OWLS." I state smartly,

"I could study," he starts , "but why study when I can cheat off of you." He teases, "very funny Malfoy." I snap.
"Come on Millicent," I urge her to come to dinner with me, she's been studying since classes ended. I get why she's so stressed but Merlin take a break. I curse under my breath as I reach over to pull the book she has in her hands and throw it across the room.
"Mars!" She exclaims, "I was studying!" Says the enraged girl. "You've been studying all day, come on it's time for dinner." I express pulling her out of the dungeons and into the great hall approaching the Slytherin table.

I sit beside Draco which automatically makes everyone start teasing us. "Oh I see how it is Mars. Ditching your best friend for some boy?" Millicent smirks, I groan and hide my face into my hands.

Draco laughs as I sit back up to glare at Blaise who already had his mouth opened to say something. "Shut it Zambini." I say coldly, he puts his arms up in surrender with an amused look on his face.

"So Delphinus," I hear a sudden voice drawl out, "I hear you're thinking about trying out for the team, Says Graham Montague "yeah." I briefly respond,

"we've never had a girl on our team before." He implies with a smirk, "but we'll make an exception for you Delphinus. It'll be an honor, really." He expresses before turning back to his discussion with his friends.

I look back to my friends to see all of them with their mouths wide open, "what?" I question. "Montague is never nice to new people." Blaise explains, "oh. Then why is he being nice to me?" I ask. "Your status is my guess. Whoever doesn't treat you with respect is a fool, you're apart of the most respected wizarding family." Millicent says, "not to mention the wealthiest." She adds.

I knew people were kind to me because of my social stature. And if anything I quite enjoyed it, I could be unpleasant and get away with it.
"How was class?" Millicent asks Draco with a smile knowing how he didn't get any sleep last night due to Goyle's apparent snoring.

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