"...what is this I hear about an engagment?"

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"I can do this." I mutter under my breath, as I pace in front of the mirror in my room. Nervous is an understatement to what I am currently feeling.

I don't even know why I am nervous, I've been attending balls like this since before I could walk.

Deep down I know why I'm nervous. My life is being planned out for me, and the worse part is I'm not the one doing the planning.

It's not like I dislike Draco, far from it actually. A knock is heard from the far right of my room. "Come in." I holler out with a shaky voice.

A woodsy smell fills my nostrils immediately recognizing it my head snaps up to meet a stormy gray pair of eyes.

"Don't be scared." He murmurs, "I'm not." I scoff putting on my usual tough girl mask. He mutters "right." Before plopping onto my bed. "Have they arrived yet?"

"Yes. Everyone is downstairs." He responds.

"Well... then I guess we would be heading down." I say biting down on my lip. Draco gets up and leads us towards the grand staircase.


Attention is exactly what we got as we walked into the foyer. All eyes were on us. Some people gave us curious glances, confusion and even some envious looks from the teenage girls.

"Mars, Draco!" Narcissa chirps in an elegant manor while waking to us.

"We've waited far to long to hold off the announcement any longer. Some deatheaters are here to enforce us." She murmurs anxiously once she reaches us.

Draco and I exchange wary expressions after nodding and following Narcissa.

She leads us to the main staircase where I find my parents and Lucius. My mother casts a spell usually used to get the attention from others if in a big crowd.

Everyone directs their attention to us.

I search the sea of people trying to catch a glimpse of my two friends. Once I finally spot them standing next to each other my breath hitches and panic starts to seep into my bones. Blaise shoots me a wink and Millicent gives me a head nod.

I let out a shaky exhale before turning to my parents and Draco's. "As you all should know Mars and Draco have grown very close since her arrival at Hogwarts." My father says in his powerful voice.

"recently we've been gifted the news to hear Draco has proposed!" Narcissa intervenes, my eyes snap up to meet Draco as the chorus of polite claps go on.

He gives me a reassuring smile and takes hold of my hand prior to giving it a meaningful kiss. I swiftly ignore the butterfly's that erupt in my stomach to turn to in the direction of my two friends.

Millicent seems to look as though someone fired a stunning spell on her. And Blaise. Blaise is on the floor hands and knees, laughing. He's laughing.

I take the arm Draco offered to me. As soon as we got to the last step many were quick to congratulate us. I gave them a polite smile and Draco, knowing him would offer a cheeky smile.

"Oh Merlin." I say under my breath as we approach Millicent who is shoving a glass of water into Blaise' hand to attempt ease his hysteria.

Right when we are a talking distance away from them Blaise spits his water on Millicent starting his bumble of laughter agian.

Millicent was livid. She gave Blaise the most murderous look I have ever seen in all my fifteen years of living.

I guess the term an eye for an eye seemed to have clicked into her head because the next thing I knew she poured the glass of fire whisky that was previously in her hand, all over Blaise.

The action halted his laughter, before he could say anything Mrs. Zambini interrupted him with a shriek of annoyance. "Blaise Dashington Zambini!" She bellowed scolding him like a child. "This is why I can never take you anywhere!"

"Apologize. Now."

If Blaise' cheeks weren't red enough from laughter, they sure are now. He looks down at Millicent sheepishly and whispers a small apology.

Mrs. Zambini turns away making sure to shoot Blaise one last disapproving look.

"Dashington?" I taunt at Blaise letting out a giggle. "Engagement?" He taunts back with his signature smirk.

"Ruined outfit?" Millicent intrudes with raisedeyebrows. "Honestly your engagement is the last thing we should be talking about at the moment. The first thing we should be talking about is how many ways I can successfully kill Blaise Dashington Zambini right now."

Blaise' face visibly pales "I- I'll buy you a new one I promise. Come on Millie, we're best friends right? No need to fuss." He chuckles nervously backing away from the angered girl.

"I will deal with you later." She points at Blaise who relaxes at her words. "Now, what is this I hear about an engagement?" She hums with a smile.


Tysm for all the reads and I honestly didn't

expect this many people to read this it means

so much.

I initially wanted to make this a longer

chapter but that would take a lot of time and

I just wanted to update

Btw can anyone else feel the sexual tension between Blaise and Millicent 😳


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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