1. The Darkness Infront

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I had finally caught him. That insufferable, manipulating moron was no longer prancing about, burning the galaxy. He was on a leash. In other words, he was belted and buckled to metal chains, that were firmly strapped to his whole body and was now cooped up in the most secure prison I could think of. I couldn't risk letting him wander off to his own devices again. I'm keeping an eye on him. No, I'm keeping my eye on him. I don't trust the guards here, they don't know him like I do. They just see him as the everyday, mundane bike-stealing criminal. But I know he's much more than that.

I haven't seen him for 2 days. When I trapped him (at last) he screamed my name again and again. I haven't wanted to see him since. Yet here I am, finding myself treading warily into the main dimly lit hallway, which behind bolted, iron ridged doors lies all my nightmares in one room.
"What am I doing here?" I mumble to no one.

According to the guards he "demanded to see me." Or else he wouldn't speak.
He knows where the Daleks are headed next in their conquest for vengeance or whatever. I need to somehow seep that information from him, without getting tied up in his mind games. Which is easier said than done.

The doors achingly open. Their groans hopefully muting out my heavy breathing. I step forward into the darkness infront. His features are eloquently lit by the only light source coming from a small ceiling window. The Master looks contempt, happy to see me. He's slumped back on a metal chair laid out infront of us alongside a small table in the centre. The chains wrapped to his wrists lead my eye up to where they're bolted. Very firmly I hope. He can't move too far. Hopefully not so far as to bash my head open.

"You look paler, love." He says with a smile.

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