5. Unchain Me

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He laughs wildly in pain, like he doesn't know what to do with it. "You're too cowardly to hurt me yourself are you, love?"
I step closer to him. "Just give me the god damn location. I mean what's stopping you anyway besides being a pain in the neck?"
"Ah now that's the thing. I like being a pain in the neck."
Another hit. This time much harder. "AWWW! Right to bone!" He straightens his jaw with a ragged sigh.

"Fine, fine let's make a deal then. I'll give your silly little location in return for my release."
"Absolutely not. You're staying here, no question." I find myself getting closer.
"Well, we both loose then. That's no fun is it?"
"If you don't give me that location now, I will choke you until the answer comes out."

I'm now well within striking distance of him, or from him. Luckily the guards straighten their shoulders ready to hammer him down at any second. The Master glances at me from his chair and then rises up slow to face me. "You couldn't hurt a fly, love." He rasps.
My hand clenches into a fist, and without hesitation I force it to his stomach. He takes a few steps back in awe and then laughs maniacally, like a father that taught his son how to ride a bike. Expect the son ran him over afterwards. "Look at you, you're learning, love." His smile edges up. "Learning from the master."

I kick him this time, my anger flooding out. I can't control it. All the hurt and pain I've felt from the past suddenly comes rushing back like a tidal wave. I raise him by the collar and smash him up onto the wall. "Give me the location, now." This time he looks slightly nervous. Like he's built a machine that's turned evil and wants to kill him.
"Okay, well I won't give you it for nothing you know that."
"What do you want? Apart from your release."
His dark eyes fix onto mine. Face shifting into a forbidding glare.
"Unchain me."

13th Doctor and The Master | Hard To Resist Where stories live. Discover now