7. Lost Your Way

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The cuffs bang down hard on the floor. It makes me flinch. The Master rubs his wrists together feeling the freedom that's been unleashed upon him. The General is stood too close to for my liking. "Okay, I've un-cuffed you. Now tell me..." Suddenly, faster than my eyes can follow, The Master whips the chains round The General's neck with one hand then grabs the gun out of his pocket with the other and nails the tip of the gun to The General's head.
"This one's on you." He smiles to me and then knocks the General out cold.

I try to speak but no words leave my mouth. I run for the door. "NO! IF YOU SCREAM HE DIES." He roars. And I pause. "IF YOU LEAVE, HE DIES. You're not going anywhere, Doctor." My hand freezes as I tear it off the door handle to face him. The beats in my hearts turn to bouncing aches, one after the other, getting faster and faster. He breathes in and comes forward closer to me. "You will let me out of here." He mutters in my ear. "And I think you're well aware of the consequences, if you choose not to."

I want to be sick. This can't be happening, how could I be this blind. Yet again, yet again I've fallen for his stupid games. My fear boils into anger.
"You need to stop running Master. You need to dig down deep and find out what you really want to do with your life. You need to make up your god damn mind on who you want to be. Cause I'm tired of it. I'm sick and tired of being the one mending your broken pieces day after day. You lie and scheme and kill and all for WHAT?! FOR WHAT MASTER?!"
"For you." He replies quietly. "I do this for you."
"Stop lying."
"It's the truth. Is it not what you wanted? Did you want me to say that I kill for pleasure, cause that would be much simpler wouldn't it? But no, I'm just....I'm just like you. It aches me to stay it. But I'm just as lonely as you, Doctor. I just want my friend back."

I remember when Missy said the same thing. I need my friend back, was what she said to me. However in the end she refused. She refused to be kind.
I stand tall against him.
"You lost your friend a very long time ago. And your ways in getting that friend back, I think you should deeply reconsider." I state.
His eyes glaze over mine and then are suddenly overwhelmed with tears. The Master drops to his knees and reaches for my hand. I let him take it. What do I have left loose, anyway. He holds it tight. "I tried to be good. I tried to kind. I wanted to stand by you. And for that...for you I was killed. Regenerated. You expect me to be good in world full of dark?" He cries.

I sigh low. "A lot of people are. It seems you've just lost your way slightly." I mouth softly.
He clings to my jacket with both hands. I suddenly feel the rapid urge to comfort him. We're both lonely, both lost without one another. He'll never be good though. I just have to except that.
"The Daleks are headed for Altros." The Master utters abruptly. I'm stunned, yet I know he's said that for a reason. If he really wanted to change he would've said in the beginning. But the light is shining through the cracks and it's all very hard to resist. My hand finds his hair and I stroke it gently. "Thank you." I reply.
I look around the prison with The General on the floor and I smile at the absurdity of the situation. The Master crying whilst clinging to me and The (Head) General might I add, in one of most secure prisons, knocked out cold on the ground. I breathe in deep and touch his shoulder. "Come on, let's get you out of here."

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