Lost, Found, WOOF! (5)

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Hour after hour passed and all the two of us did was play random video games we found online and recorded it for Alexander's YouTube channel. I only played a few games with him but that's only because I got really self-conscious about being online for the whole world to see after I caught a glimpse of myself in his camera.

Right now I'm watching him play some horror game where he has to survive in a house for six hours, with a clown, a baby doll, a marionette and a little girl who owns all of them. While watching him, I'm clicking and unclicking the snaps of the collar. My finger got caught seven times already but I'm still doing it for some reason.

"Son of a– Where in the world did he come from!" Alex yelled in rage as he died again. I snickered underneath my breath. It was funny watching him get mad.

"That's all for today guys. That being said, don't forget to smash that like and subscribe button with your eyeball if you haven't already. Peace." He then pushed the button to stop recording.

"Hey Axis, you wanna help me edit these?"

"Uh, I'm not really good at technology. The only form of technology I know how to work is light switches."

"Oh, well then I'll teach you!"


"That is awesome! Editing makes everything better! Also, thank you for teaching me," I exclaimed truthfully.

Alexander smiled at me. "It was no problem bro. It was fun showing you how to do it. Maybe later, when you get the hang of it, you can be my own personal editor. That'd be cool."

I silently agreed by nodding my head.

A comfortable silence settled over us while Alex browsed through games he might play in the future while waiting for his video to upload online. I was in it for the first half and not the second but he said that it was okay.

"Could you go get us some waters please? The mini fridge in here is empty so you'll have to go downstairs to the kitchen," he asked me with a smile.

"Mhm." I got up only to be stopped by Alex grabbing my hand gently. My gaze traveled down to meet him so that we made eye contact.

"What's wrong?"

"Hold on, I'm thinking. Can you check to see if we have any ice cream left in the freezer. Also, sorry for making you do this, I'm just kinda doing this right now."

I shook my head in understanding. "No, it's okay. I know you're busy. I'm just glad I can help."

"Thanks," he thanked quietly.

With I smile I walked out of the room and downstairs. At the last second, I forgot where the kitchen was. When we got here, Alexander gave me a tour of the whole house but since he lived in a frickin mansion, of course I don't remember. Even the town outside was easier to remember then this place.

I sighed deeply. I guess I'll just have to take my chances. I started walking to where I thought I remembered where he showed me where the kitchen was. Which was from the left of the grand staircase?

Wait a second.

How will I find his room when I get back? All of the doors except his younger emo sister's door looks the exact same.

"ALEX!" I yelled to the top of the stairs.

No answer.

I sighed. If I get lost then it'll be completely his fault. He'll just have to find me.

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