A flower that blooms in the darkness

3 0 0

'She's gone?' Rastel stared at the room blankly.

Seeing his reaction, the old man rushed to look into the room only to see it empty and in a neat condition.

His face flashed with emotions as he turned to look at the room next door before sighing to himself. His gaze shifted to Rastel and he signaled with his eyes while pointing out Myra.

Rastel understood and brought up the matter of a bath which the old man promptly provided. He brought her to the inn bathroom and after addressing everything, left her to wash.

He took Rastel to the front door away from all ears before revealing his concerns.

"The elf...... he is dead?" he blurted out as soon as he confirmed they were alone.

Rastel nodded solemnly.

The old man shook his head before saying. "A little boy told me he saw the silent lady walking into the forest. That is what the settlers call her."

He looked at his old grizzled hands for a while as if counting his thoughts before adding. "I had hoped the boy was just not sure of who he saw or was being naughty. I should have known since the first time I met her, she was not one to forgive grievances or want to live a peaceful life."

He turned to look at Rastel's visage. This long haired, green eyed muan had apparently being the one to take out their most troublesome problem that had bothered them for years, he was very grateful. He hoped to seek Rastel's help once more.

"This might be insensitive of me but can yer find her? Find her and tell her to come back here. Tell her I said, beautiful flowers need sunlight to grow" The old man's hoarse voice became surprisingly soft as he laid out his request.


New quest!

The old man's request – Rank D

The old caretaker has requested you to find the mysterious assassin and deliver his message to her. Quickly set off before she disappears into the shadows.

Reward: 300exp, Unknown

Rastel who had been silent all this while perked up his brows at the sight of the new quest. This was officially his third quest in the game not counting the one for his unique class. And it seemed easy enough.

'Or maybe not, as an assassin she should have a way to stop herself from been tracked normally.' He thought about it before answering the old man.

"I will try my best and bring her back here." He answered him sincerely. Partly because he somewhat felt for her plight and partly because of obviously, the quest. Levelling up was hard!

"Thank you" the old man was satisfied. "But then remember..." he added as a warning.

"Doe might look like a cold weak woman but she is not simple" he added gravely.

"Be careful when yer talking to her. If she is who I think she is and you manage to get her angry, you might just die in your sleep someday without even knowing how!"

Rastel froze at this information as he remembered Doe's viciousness when attacking her opponents together with the scene of the unfortunate wood elf upstairs and shuddered.

Riding through the woods, Rastel stiffly controlled the horse to dodge the trees in his path. Considering the need for speed, he had gone to retrieve the horse from where their carriage had been hidden.

The horse had spent the night munching on nearby shrubs and seemed to be in a foul mood from been left outside. It had shaken its brown mane moodily at the muan and given him an attitude as he detached it from the carriage. It was with great difficulty that Rastel had managed to mount the horse and ride down the narrow path of the forest.

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