I'm about to become a statistic

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Warnings: anxious thoughts about being killed, slight shade towards Kristen Stewart/Twilight

I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. Have I said that I hate this? Because I do. Why did I turn down that offer of a lift back home? Oh yeah, my anxiety telling me that I'm just being a burden even though they offered. So now I'm walking home, alone, at 2am, in the dark where any knife-wielding manic can kill me.

I could've called my boyfriend, but then I would've had to deal with a pissed off Roman moaning I woke him up and interrupted his "beauty sleep" and I'm not in the mood to deal with that.

I guess I could've asked Logan, he's awake at any time of the night - despite him telling me that I need to sleep more. But then Roman would've given me a lecture about "why was Logan giving you a lift? You should've called me! Do you like Logan more than me?!" and I really don't want to get into that again, and neither does Logan.

I'd much rather face whatever nutjob is roaming the streets looking for their next victim, than piss off Roman.

A loud crash jolts me from my thoughts and a yelp escapes me. I look down the alleyway where the sound came from and it looks like the alley Batman's parents were killed in.

A dark figure suddenly appears in front of me and I jump back with a slight scream.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

The person walks into the light and I'm surprised. Serial killers have gone kawaii? Must've missed that memo. They're wearing a light blue, oversized jumper that is hanging off one shoulder, showing off their freckles, along with a pair of grey shorts and cat knee-high socks. Their skin is paler than mine - which is saying something as I'm paler than Kristen Stewart in Twilight, and I show more emotional range. They also have these piercing blue eyes that almost looked like Lapis' gem, and their hair is unfairly perfect with their blonde curls that bounce slightly as they walk. They look perfect...maybe too perfect.

"It's-It's fine. I'm going to go now"

Well done Virgil. Well done. You're an awkward idiot.

"My name is Patton, what's yours?"

"It's nice to meet you Patton but I really have to go"

"Oh, why?"

Because it's 2 in the morning and I'm slightly scared of you.

"I have to get home to my bo-partner"

I don't know if they're homophobic and I really don't want to find out.

I start to walk away, moving at a much faster pace than I was before but Patton follows me. My heart is racing so fast, the only thing I can hear is my pulse in my ears. My hands are shaking as I try to walk faster without breaking into a run - based on the way they're bouncing as they walk, they could easily run faster than me and I'm not very athletically capable so would pass out after a running down couple streets.

I was just about to give up and succumb to my fate when a voice rang out.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you, I was worried!"

Are they talking to me?

I look in the direction of the voice and see a knock off JD running towards us. They are wearing a black trench coat that is lined with yellow or gold that really stands out in the darkness of the street, a fedora or bowler hat adorns their head as well. Once they got closer, I could see their face and I had to suppress a gasp. Half of their face is covered in burn scars that are being partially covered by their dark hair, the rest of their skin was also sickly pale like Patton's. Does nobody go outside in this town? They take my hand in their gloved one and pull me close, wrapping their other arm around my shoulders.

"Play along" they whisper in my ear

"You know them?" Patton asks in their sickly-sweet voice, as he pushes up his large circular glasses.

"Yes, this is my partner the one I told you about. You're so sweet to worry about me" I say, turning slightly to boop their nose, causing a blush to coat their face.

"Oh... how nice" Patton's voice changes drastically to something much more sinister

I think JD here sensed it too as they began to pull me away, "thank you for keeping an eye on him for me but we should head home now. Goodbye"

The two glare intensely at each other as we walk away. Do they know each other? Am I missing something here?

We continue to walk together until Patton is no longer in sight, and a little further just to be safe then we break apart.

"Sorry about that, you looked uncomfortable and I just acted without-"

"It's okay, thank you, really. You probably just saved my life; I didn't like how they kept looking at me." I admit

Holy shit. That just sunk in. I could've become a statistic tonight.

"It's no problem. I go by Deceit; you don't have to tell me your name if you're not comfortable."

"Call me Anxiety - a nickname from school"

"Nice kids," they say with sarcasm coating their voice

"Yeah, well. Why do you go by Deceit?"

"Nickname from school that stuck, unfortunately" they laugh lightly

"Thank you again so much but I really need to go. My actual boyfriend is probably worried about me"

That's a lie.

"Okay, will you be okay to walk the rest of the way alone?"

"Yeah I'm just round the corner there"

"Okay, goodbye Anxiety. I hope to see you again under better circumstances" Deceit smiles and bows slightly, tipping their hat

I chuckle, "see you around maybe"

I get back home an hour later than I should've been and was greeted by darkness and silence. What did I expect? My boyfriend to be frantically pacing around the living room, tears threatening to spill as he waits for me to return. When I open the door and he sees me, he runs over and engulfs me in a hug and showers me in kisses, asking if I'm okay and what happened.

Yeah no. But a guy can dream, right?

I creep up the stairs to our bedroom and slowly open the door, trying not to wake him. I place my bag down and grab some pyjamas to change in to in the bathroom - just a pair of purple plaid trousers and a black top. I carefully slide into the bed with eased practice.

I sigh as I close my eyes, letting everything that happen tonight-er this morning, sink in. I roll over and go to hug my boyfriend only to be shoved away as soon as I touch him,

"You're cold" he mutters and rolls away from me

Right. I curl up at the edge of the bed - the furthest I can get from Roman without falling off the bed. I fall asleep thinking about Deceit and how it felt to have their arms around me. I felt more safe and secure with them than I have in Roman's arms for the longest time. I feel guilty about thinking this way, but I'm too tired to care. I can still feel their phantom touch and for the first time in a year, I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

I know it's short but it's just an intro sort of thing, idk I wrote this a 3am and then kinda forgot about it until now.
I was just about to fall asleep when my brain went: "hey! I have a new story idea, despite you having three on going ones! Sit up and start writing before I forget because you know I will forget by morning!"

So here we are...

Anygay, I hope you enjoy this story and feel free to point out any mistakes :)

Stay safe mo charaidean

~ Remi <3

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