Enough drugs in you to fight God

626 42 56

Warnings: hospitals, not professional medical advice (I googled everything and not very thoroughly), talks of past injuries

Nothing hurts. How is that possible? I always have some bruise or cut or another injury that would be hurting, but nothing. I just feel numb. Am I dead? No, I can't be, I can feel a hand in mine. I pry my eyes open and immediately shut them again with a hiss as the harsh lights burn my eyes. Who thought that it would be a good idea to have the lights so bright? I hear a low chuckle and the sound of the lights being switched off. I squint my eyes open again...this isn't my room.

The walls are blindingly white and bare. The irritating sound of a steady beeping fills my head and is driving me insane. The air smells of bleach and other disinfectants that are nauseatingly strong. I feel the end of the bed dip and I lift my head to see Janus smiling softly at me.

"Hey Virge, how you feeling?" he whispers

"I don't know" my voice cracks, "what happened?"

Janus looks at his lap uncomfortably, before speaking, "let's focus on getting you better first, okay?"

I just nod my head and look down to see Remus fast asleep in a chair next to me. He's holding my hand and has his head lying next to my legs. I smile to myself and squeeze his hand gently causing him to smile in his sleep.

"Hmm he's all cute now, but three hours ago he was almost taking a one-way trip to the freezers downstairs. In the end, I gave up and slipped him some sleeping pills, he was out like a light"

I laugh at that, "you drugged your boyfriend?"

"You would too if you had to watch him pace around the room spewing random and anxious thoughts for two hours"

"Why was he so nervous?"

Janus gives a 'really bitch' look, "why? You almost died!"

"I know that, but why did he care? Why do you care?"

"Virgil, of course we care. We're your friends, I-"

"You shouldn't care" I interrupt and look down, avoiding his eyes

"Virgil" he takes a hold of my chin, not rough and forceful like Roman does but gentle, and moves my head to look at him, "trust me when I say that we care about you. Remus almost killed Roman yesterday and once we got here, he refused to leave you. He wouldn't even leave for dinner. He stayed by your side all night, we both did. He growled and almost punched a nurse when they tried to get us to leave. We want you to be safe and feel happy because that's what you deserve." he starts to rub my cheek with his thumb and I lean into the touch, "I know we haven't known each other long, only a couple weeks, but we-I want to protect you and keep you safe and give you the attention and love you so clearly need and deserve"

I smile at him, "thank you but I don't want-"

"Don't say that you're going to be a burden or anything like that. You are welcome to stay at our home as long as you want, in fact, I insist. We're gonna care for you and there's nothing you can do to stop that"

I giggle slightly before slapping my hand over my mouth. But Janus just shakes his head and pulls my hand away.

"Don't cover up your smile or laugh, it's adorable"

I blush creeps up my face as Janus lets go of my face and I miss his touch. Remus' face scrunches up as he lets out a yawn. He lets go of my hand to stretch; I use my new freedom to stretch out my arms and sit up. Remus' rubs his eyes as he sits up but I don't think he's noticed me yet.

"Mornin' Jan, how long was I asleep?"

"About three hours"

"Huh, I don't remember going to sleep"

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