The Purple Spider

616 27 13

Original title: 6 little words

Warnings: abandonment, abuse (emotional and physical), alcoholism, blood, bruises, death, funeral, self-harm, suicides

(I'll post a summary chapter at the same time so please if any of these triggers affect you, read the summary instead. You won't miss anything, all things of importance to the story will be put in the summary chapter. Please be safe)

This chapter will be a massive exposition dump. It'll be about Virgil's family life, his relationship with Remy and how he became so dependent on Roman and felt like he couldn't leave him. Also there's a reveal concerning Patton. A lot happens...

(I'm saying all this to justify how long and dark this chapter gets. Imma stop talking now...)

Also I unpublished this because I just felt like there was something wrong with it so I went through and reworked it so hopefully it's better.

21st March 2006

"REMY!" Virgil's cry filled the house as he waddled to his brother's room

"Virgil? What's wrong?!"

Remy's big brother mode activated as he scooped his baby brother up in his arms and checked him over to injuries but couldn't find any until Virgil held up his thumb that was slightly red from where he accidentally bashed it against his bed

"It hurts"

"Oh dear, what happened?"

"I was playing and I hit my bed"

"Well why did you do that?" Remy teased as he placed Virgil back on the floor

"It was accident! Kiss it better?" he held up his thumb for Remy kiss, which he did, "can I have plaster?"

"No squirt, you don't need one"

"But it hurts and plaster makes it better!"

Remy couldn't say no to his pouting face so took his hand and led him to the bathroom. He directed Virgil to sit on the closed toilet lid while he pulled down the box of plasters from the cabinet. Virgil swung his legs, chewing on his sleeve while he waited,

"Alrighty, what colour?"

Virgil thought for a moment, bringing his hand to his chin and pretended to stroke a beard that he'd seen done in movies, "pink!"

"You got it"

Remy carefully wrapped the light pink plaster around Virgil's thumb and then kissed it again. Once Remy let go, Virgil jumped up and wrapped his chubby arms around Remy's neck, before running off to play again.


"What the fuck is that?" Madison growled as she gripped her son's wrist tightly

"A-a plaster" Virgil's nose crinkled at the strong stench of alcohol from his mother's breath

In public, Madison Blackwood was a respectable manager of a clothing store with loads of friends and the picture-perfect family. She was polite, kind and never drank, but at home, she was the opposite. She yelled at her children whenever they were less than perfect, beat her husband and drank like a sailor.

"Leave him alone Maddie, it's just a plaster" Ellis pulled her hand from Virgil's wrist and pulled his son behind him

"Don't you care that your son is wearing pink?! What kind of father are you to let your sons run around wearing pink or skirts? I found your little present for Remy"

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