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wwh.jin is offline


I heard some shit about you
at school.

But I don't think it's true.

Now what's your opinion?

wwh.jin is online


Yeah I know.

But I swear I didn't do any of


That's what I thought.

Don't worry I am gonna help you.

We are gonna find who spread
these rumours.

Thank you for your kindness.

Nah it's ok.

I hate people who spread this kind

I'd be more than happy to help my classmate :)

Thank you again.

I have to go now.



wwh.jin is offline

jin is offline

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Hello readers! I am back with another chapter! So ,I've been meaning to ask you something. Since the chapters are really short, I think you might get annoyed waiting for it for a WHOLE week! I've been there so I know it. Should I post the whole story at once? I have it ready with me. If you would like me to release the whole story at once then please let me know. Otherwise I will continue weekly release.  Thank you for reading!

Lubs from the author! U3U<3

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