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Silence filled the house as everyone had gone to bed. I lay awake staring at the rotting ceiling, waiting. Tabitha purred from beside my bed and hopped up onto me, nuzzling my neck.

'Why don't you live in your own house?' I wondered out loud. 'What does she do to you there?'

The clock inside my head rang midnight, instantly I got up as if I were in a trance and picked up my backpack ready to go. I had spent the last hour deciding whether I sneak into Charlotte's room through the window or find another way out. I still hadn't fully figured that out yet.

I left the room, softly clicking my fingers making sure the cat came with me. I gently shut the door behind me as it creaked carefully into place. I shuffled my way down the hallway, Shesscintle's room directly opposite mine. I reached the staircase which lined up with Charlotte's bedroom, I looked both ways contemplating which path to choose. I moved to the stairs, knowing there was no doubt Charlotte was asleep yet. I knew she would be waiting for the moment I left the house to spy on me. I didn't want to admit that I deserved it, I had been repeating last nights events over in my head. At some points I can't see what I did that was wrong, I thought it was girls being girls but deep down I knew there were things I said that I regretted. But she can't blame me for this, after all I did help her home, I did come back for her and stay with her for a portion of the night...she was the one who agreed to come in the first place, she didn't have to come the second time either. Surely, surely she's just angry about her foot and is taking it out on me.

I shook all the thoughts away from me, sighing because parts of me knew I was making up excuses. My hand hovered over the door, I was scared to knock. I knew she wasn't willing to see me at this time. I moved away, thinking about her staring straight at the door with beady eyes waiting for my approach just so she could have a go at me.

In the end I turned back and chasséd down the stairs. I contemplated using the front door because I knew where the key for it was but figured it was too creaky and close to the upstairs. I made my way down the hall and entered the kitchen. I scanned over the key hanger attatched to the wall in between the back door and the end cabinet. I fiddled around for a while checking each jagged, rusty key edge for something that might fit into the door.

Shesscintle kept keys for allsorts of things such as boxes, hidden rooms, gates, drawers, even some books had locks. I came to the last key and, in frustration, I huffed and slammed the keys against the wall.

I sat down at the table and pondered. 'If i were Shesscintle, where would I put the key?' I wondered out loud with my chin resting on my hand.

It took me a while to figure out if there was another way, then I realised that I had better idea. I got up from the chair and slid over to the drawers. I fiddled around the cutlery and took out a knife.

I manoeuvred my way to the door again and twisted the instrument around in every direction. 'Light force, light force.' I reminded myself. Then I heard the click and turn.
'No way.' I was stunned and almost hysterical that it had worked. As I put the knife back I reminded myself to thank Jasper for telling me this trick.

'Right. Ready to go Tab Tab?' I said in a sort of mocking voice. Tabitha meowed and waited for my signal. I gently pulled down the handle which slightly creaked and I winced. Then, when it reached the bottom I slowly pulled the ancient door towards me and stepped out into nature.

The cold, icy wind hit me like sharp knives cutting all over. I shivered in fright and at the lack of heat. I tugged the door closed behind me being precautious for the wind not to slam it.

It was so much colder than earlier, I thrust my arms around me to help with maintaining body warmth. Every step closer to the woods I could feel my teeth chatter, my muscles locking up, my eyes glued tightly to keep them moist.

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