The Silent Fox

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The woods that night was loud and chirpy. Birds called for their mothers, hedgehogs ran in and out of hedges and curled up as we passed them by. Deer lie low amongst the trees and wildlife, scared of the hunters.

We keep our eyes peeled open for a small, orange animal prowling around the forest floor. I wonder how long it'll be until we find one. If there even is one. How long until we run into a Wolf.

Luckily we stayed clear of the dangerous side of the woods. The darkness where Wolf hid was frightening and lacked any kind of reassurance or assistance. Whereas the other side of Jade's caravan it was joyful, a place where you would go on a picnic or take your dog for a walk. This part of the woods the moon shone and twinkled through the gaping tree gaps up in the sky. The reflection of the stars stuck to the leaves that were scattered on the mud path that flowed through the woodlands.

This side of the forest felt free and open, yet safer and more cozy than the dark. The atmosphere almost made me feel guilty knowing we were about to suck the life out of it.

Walking through the woods felt like we were arrested to the task. We didn't dare speak, we didn't even want to listen but there is no in between. The atmosphere amongst me and Taylor felt cold and awkward. We didn't want to accept the fact we were about to do something so cruel.

We went on for what felt like hours trying not to hear a noise that could have come from a fox because if it did it would be it's last.

In the corner of my eye I spotted a brownish tail poking from the truck of a tree ahead of us.
I tapped Taylor on the shoulder and pointed as he looked at me with question. He realised what I had seen as the head of the animal then turned around the corner to face our way.

We weren't sure if it had seen us. We stood unbelievably still, barely breathing. The sound of my heart thumped out of my chest, I for sure knew Taylor could hear it, I felt embarrassed of my fear.

The fox trotted quietly and gently amongst the woodlands. It was peaceful and elegant, it felt wrong thinking of what we were going to do. Perhaps it was a mother of some cubs of its own and she was out hunting for food or protecting them from harm. My heart dropped knowing it was either me or it and we had to pick one.

The fox traveled far enough that it seemed out of earshot although it was not certain. Taylor urged me to go forwards so he could lay the trap into place. We didn't talk throughout this, we wanted it over and done with.

As quietly as possible we got close to the tree it was behind and laid the trap down. It was uncertain whether the fox would get caught, part of me hoped it was smarter than that.

We set some scraps of meat on top and around the trap hoping it would catch the scent. We hurried back off amongst the bushes around the side of the path and waited.

We observed the fox who just kept obliviously moving along further into the woods. It seemed unlikely we would be able to capture any fox with this technique.

'What if we made a noise? Would it scare it or drive it back?' Taylor whispered to me as we both stared solidly at the fox in the far distance.
'Definitely scare it.' I said whilst barely moving my mouth.
Then Taylor picked up a stick beside him and threw it in the direction of the fox, then he threw another closer to the trap.
'What are you doing?' I hissed at him and nudging him urgently to stop.
He picked up another stick and snapped it in half. The fox's head pricked up and turned in our direction. It prowled back towards us slowly and down low to the ground. It snarled it's teeth as it sneaked even lower. At this point it resembled a Wolf who was guarding its territory.

I sat down low in the bushes right next to Taylor in fear. I panicked the closer it got. It repeatedly growled and snapped the closer it came to us, it's eyes staring directly into ours yet unknowing we were there.

Its nose flew up into the air as it froze in its tracks. He smelt the meat. It crept towards the vicious trap still down low. My heart stung knowing this could be the end. I gritted my teeth together and clenched my hands shut tight.

It had its eyes on the meat now, target acquired. I started to shake but I couldn't peel my eyes away.

Then snap.

Tears poured down my face silently as I witnessed it. Taylor slowly stood up and shuffled over to the trap. He bent down to it and stroked the orange fur lovingly. His face had become puffy and saddened too.

Carefully he opened up the snare but instantly turned away at the sight of blood trickling down the skin, staining it. The trap had cut down deep, down to the bone.

I crawled up closer to it feeling sympathy and tried to lift it out.
'Sorry little guy.' I spoke gently to it. After being close I could tell it was a male, most likely did not have a family. The sight was disheartening as I moved it's body under the tree, it's tongue fell out of its mouth and it's head flopped peacefully to the side.

Taylor joined me at the bottom of the tree. I felt like putting my hand around his waist but that felt too wrong for us.
'Should we give him a memorial?' He asked me sorrowfully.
I nodded in return and sat back a little. I placed my hand to the fox'a heart forgetting there would be no beat. I winced but spoke carefully.
'I wish for you to have a better ending in heaven than you had here. One day you will live again. I'm so sorry.' A single tear fell down the side of my face. Salt.


Author's note: I'm sorry for being inactive, I've been getting prepared for school again and now I'm back I might not be as active but I had this chapter so I thought I'd post it for the people who are reading this story. Thank you.

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