How Dare You Look Down On Me?!

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(Ultra Magnus x Fighter!Reader) (Lemon)

Figured I haven't a lemon in a while, might as well.

You were always a fighter. What kind of fighter? A street fighter, the best street fighter in Jasper, Nevada and you never let anyone forget it. Especially not the Autobot commander, Ultra Magnus. You felt a feeling of unadulterated loathing whenever you noticed him watching you punch the sandbag for practice. He would attempt to correct your stance, how to hit, and where you hit. It pissed you off to no avail.

But right now, right now, Manus was on a mission. You and the kids and Ratchet were at the base alone. You could practice without his stupidly handsome face getting in your way. You reach for your backpack and take the wrapping you used while fighting, beginning to wrap the cloth around your hand, knuckles, and wrist.

"Whatcha doing (Y/n)?" Miko asked in a sing-song voice.

"Practice." You respond, walking down the stairs to the platform and walking to the medbay where your punching bag was kept and hung on a platform. Ratchet was on his computer, researching again and again. You place a hand on the punching bag, steadying it with ease, and then forcing an uppercut into the bag. Learning to land a punch in just the right spot requires the same eye-hand type coordination as hammering a nail or hitting a baseball.

Throwing a few quick jabs at a punching bag may not have seemed too hard, but if you've never used a heavy bag during a boxing workout, you're in for a challenge. So every time you lay into the bag, your fist, foot, and knee are met with significant resistance against the bag. It was wonderful. Why did you love this so much? Increasing strength and stamina in yourself. Anyone who dared say you were weak was full of crap. You were strong, you survived the streets, you survived a Decepticon attack. Of course, you were strong. You strike the bag with such force, you can feel the platform move slightly.

"Nice hit," you hear a male voice say.

You look over to where the voice came from and scowl as you wipe your brow. You're tired in a way but now that Magnus is back, watching you practice, you want to spar with an actual person. You begin to unwrap your hands, stupidly, and only just realizing that you split a knuckle on your right hand. It wasn't bad, just inconvenient at the moment.

"Thanks," you say in a salty way finally ready to throw the now bloodied wraps away ", It's easier to practice without you trying to teach me what I already know."

"Easy soldier," Magnus snapped at you ", You will respect those higher up than yourself."

"I will not," You snap back at him, throwing the wraps to the floor ", I will NOT let you look down on me."

Magnus made a face, halfway between a smile and a snarl, about to snap at you.

"I do not look down on good soldiers," He snapped ", I always recognize their good behavior as their commander."

You laugh ", Of course, Commander Magnus! You don't see your soldiers as equals, do you? You are their Commander, higher, and better, huh? And me? A human fighter, weak, right? Right. I'm weak, but just remember, if you were my sizes, had human strength, I could kick your ass in a second, Magnus."

His servos slam down on either side of you, but you do not flinch at the force, you are not shaken. You are amazed, entranced at the force and power in his bright blue optics.

"Don't you dare insult me in such a way," He growls at you, fierce and unforgiving ", I could kill you now with a flick of my servo, I could ignore all the practice you do and call you a worthless human, but I do not. I could treat my soldiers like Megatron treats his, but I do not. Do you know why?" He pauses. "Because I care about them. Like you care for those human kids, I care about my soldiers. And fight me. You would fail."

His faceplate is too close for comfort, you scowl and place your hand on his face.

"Aye aye commander," You say ", I read you loud and clear."

You turn to leave ", Kiss my ass, Commander."

You are suddenly lifted into the air by his servo, and he transforms with you in the front passenger seat of the truck that looked too much like Optimus' altform to be comfortable. He sped out of the base, driving as fast as he could, far away from everyone else.

"MAGNUS!!" You shout, hitting the dashboard with your fists ", WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!?"

His holoform phased in next to you, and you stop, shocked at how good looking he is as a human. Brushed back blue hair, clean kept face, sharp jawline, and very very pale skin. He was built to be muscular and strong. Not much different from your own build. He is wearing a suit as a commander would, his tie is straight and it looks very good on him. He parks near a cliffside and nearly shoves you out of the car.

"Get out." He snaps, unbuttoning the jacket of his suit and throwing it to reveal the light blue undershirt", You wanna fight? We'll fight."

He rips off the tie, and suddenly, you are afraid.


"Fight me."


"FIGHT ME." He yells and takes a swing at you. You dodge, head moving around his fist, hands flying to catch his wrist.


The fear in your voice catches his attention, you feel your eyes water with tears, how could you be so stupid?

"How can I care about someone," You whisper, tightening your grip on his wrists slightly ", Who is trying to prove something to me? You have nothing to prove to me."

He shudders ", I have to-"

You kiss him before he can say anything else, releasing his hands to throw your arms around his neck, running your hands through the waves of blue hair. He kisses you back with passion and desire, his chapped lips brush yours with power, asking 100 questions without making a sound. His fingers hook onto your belt loops, pulling your smaller form into his and suddenly picking you up in his arms. You break the kiss, remaining close enough for the sides of your noses to be pressed against his skin.

"Why must you send mixed signals like this?" He asks you with a sigh.

"Don't let it be mixed then."

"How should I do that?" H asks you with a slight smile.

"Any way you want too."


He kisses you before you can say anything else, squeezing you so you moan into the kiss. You begin to lift the undershirt off his body and toss it behind you, and running your hands from his hair to his chest. He removes your tank-top with ease, sitting you on the driver's seat as he slides your pants down your legs, teasingly, slowly, painfully slow. Magnus massages the insides of your thighs while he kisses you again, whispering to you, asking if this was okay.

"I don't care right now," You moan as his lips brush your toned stomach ", I want you right now."

"Looks like we agree on something for once."

His hands unclasp your sports bra and cupping your breast in his hand. Magnus let his lips trail down, past your stomach, down to your opening. He looks at you for confirmation, and you nod rapidly. His hands spread your legs as he began to eat you out, you moan in pleasure. You legs attempting to squeeze together but stopped by Magnus' hands. His tongue slides in and out of you like a snake. You shudder as his head raises and he slides one finger into you, slowly pumping, making you squeak in joy.

Magnus removed his finger and unbuckles his belt, giving you a look of lustfulness and desire. Eagerly your hands move to help him, unbuttoning and unzipping until his cock nearly smacks you in the face. You smile and latch your mouth on his member, earning a groan of delight from your partner. You bob your head up and down on his 7-inch member, unable to take the whole thing, but you would try your best to take what you could.

Magnus lifted your head with his large hand, beckoning for you to turn around, you brace your hands against the seat. His member lines up with your entrance and you feel him slide into you, making you tense up.

"It will hurt more if you are tense," He says as he leans over your body so his mouth is next to your ear.

"Just go," You say with your teeth gritted in minor pain.

He moves slowly, hands gripping your forearms tightly. You moan in pleasure mixed with pain as his thrusts become easier to take. Your body accommodates to his size with ease, he hits every spot that drives you crazy and teases your skin with his lips.

"Jesus Christ," you pant, feeling your body ready to give out ", I'm gonna c-cum."

Magnus buries his face in your (h/c) hair and pounds harder, not done yet. It hurts for a minute, but you get more pleasure than pain from it. You bite the leather seat as the pounding grows harder and harder, releasing you from sanity. You feel your body give up, your juices flow onto Magnus' member, making him able to go harder. Your body, racked with an orgasm, twitches with delight.

"You want me to finish in you?" His whispers enter your ear in the most seductive way.

"Yes," you beg him through the leather seat ", Yes, yes, yes!"

Magnus slams into you one final time, making you cry out as his seed fill you. He pulls out, and helps you up, returning your discarded clothes with a smirk. As you dress again, you keep sneaking glances at him, his wrinkled suit, and messy hair. He slides on the jacket and helps you into the passenger seat.

"That was fun."

"Y-yeah," You don't know what else to say.

"I deeply care for you, (Y/n)," He says while taking your hand in his.

"I care about you too."

You both start the drive home in awkward silence.

"How about we tell them I took you for dinner?"

"Good Idea." You smile and kiss his cheek before the holoform disappeared and Magnus sped home with you asleep in the passenger seat.

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