The Beginning...

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Around the crackling campfire sat a curious bunch of people wasting away endless hours pointlessly messing around. there were there: Melissa, effortlessly fiddling with her hair hoping for Michael to be next to her instead of with his baboon friends; Chloe, staring at the campfire like it was the love of her life; Michael, completely ignoring all of the crazy attempts of his girlfriend to be recognized; Stephanie, staring longingly at Tom whilst butterflies whirled around in her stomach; Tom, beating himself up inside as he couldn't find the strength to tell Stephanie how he really feels; Josh , fighting the urge to scream for his jealousy of Tom was overwhelming; Jordan, crying to himself cause the dark was just too frightening; and Fish (Josh S)smiling foolishly whilst embracing an enormous tree like it was his little, cuddly teddy bear. A whole day had passed since they first arrived in the forbidden forest - the one near the mysterious caves and winding tunnels - they had wasted all that time doing nothing but spotting oddly shaped clouds and shapes in the fire. As normal. 

Night quickly fell and the weirdoes finally came out of their shells. Haribos were devoured, drinks were drunk dry, 

People were off their rockers nuts. When the night was over and everyone was 'just a little' tipsy, most of all Chloe, 

Melissa gracefully left a warm kiss on Michael's frozen cheek and not so gracefully helped Fish escort Chloe to a tent, a tad unsure if it was actually hers, that task took a little while and so by the time Melissa got to her own tent the wolves were already howling. 

Sometime between the moon being at its peak and sun rising, in the faraway distance, Melissa heard a strange noise coming from outside her tent. Curious as she is, she went to have a look. Before the harsh cold had a chance to swing she was forced sideways and into the bright light of a tent with a strangely familiar scent, Josh was lying there with pictures of a certain girl plastering the entire tent from top to bottom. "Seriously!" came an annoyed voice,"you do realize how creepy you are acting?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"SHE IS JUST A GIRL FOR GOD'S SAKE!" yelled Melissa, “GROW UP!”. 

Storming out in a fit Melissa remembered the original reason for ascending from her tent, all this brought on by the weird sight displayed before her. Sprawled on the floor sucking her thumb was a sleepy Chloe, following her was Stephanie trying to catch her and stop her. As she took a step forward she saw a river of chewed up haribos flow down to the fire.

A few minutes had passed by the time they reached the lake the sun was already peeking up to say hello. Together Melissa and Stephanie washed off Chloe, even with her frantically splashing everywhere and occasionally falling asleep then almost falling into the water, they were soon finished and were on their way back to the campsite. 


"Hey did you hear that?" Melissa asked with a sense of fear in her voice.

"No" replied Stephanie nonchalantly as she’s trying to keep her balance and attempting to hold up a senseless Chloe (who by this point was screaming out random song lyrics and calling the other two happy little bunnies).


"Tell me you heard that!" asked Melissa the fear in her voice rising slightly.

"Yeah I heard that!" replied Stephanie.



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