The Voice...

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  • Dedicated to Stephanie Padgett

Finally the door was opened but it revealed and empty room so they carried on walking down the endless path. At the end they found an old oak door nearly withering away at the hinges. This door was jammed. They bashed and banged at it but it just would not open. “Are you back? Are you there? Answer me!” came a scared voice from inside the room.

“Did you hear that?” asked Tom.

“Yeah! Who was it?” replied Michael.

“Why are we in there? What do you want with us?” came the voice again.

“Who’s in there?” demanded Fish.

“Don’t hurt us, please!” begged the voice.

CRASH! The door was slammed open and the girls scurried to the back of the room. As the three of them slowly stepped out of the dark into the light the boys grew ecstatic and the overwhelming feeling of joy clouded their mind. “You’re here! How come you’re here?” implored Melissa. Instantaneously Michael through himself at Melissa and spun her around in his tight embrace. Stephanie looked at Tom and he looked at her, he walked slowly over to her and… kissed her, she kissed him back and they passionately shared a moment whilst everybody was stood a little awkwardly around them. After they had finished kissing Tom looked straight into her glistening eyes and spoke the words she had wished to hear “I love you! I’ve always loved you! I could just never say it you!”

“I love you too” pleaded Stephanie before they jumped at each other and just stayed in a warm embrace for what felt like forever.

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