The Death...

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The room was full of people; Tom, comforting a scared Stephanie; Stephanie, staring at Chloe in the bed; Melissa, almost sitting on top of Chloe; Michael, weirdly organising the flowers in the flower pot; Josh, stroking Chloe’s dirt covered shoe from the campsite; Jordan, stuffing his face with cake from the hospital cafeteria; Fish, pointing out the pigeons that sat on the balcony; and in the centre of the room in the blinding white bed lay Chloe, tubes flowing in and out of her just so that she’d stay alive. The smell of the cake Jordan was shovelling into his mouth but the scent of Melissa’s favourite perfume was slowly overtaking it. “Can you stop spraying that thing in my face?” Asked an agitated Josh

“Sorry, she does that when she’s nervous. You should have seen her before the tests last year!” insisted Michael whilst an outraged Melissa gave him the look of death. BEEP- BEEP- BEEP- BEEP- BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!  Doctors came flooding into the room, the anticipation rose and the mood quickly fell. CLEAR! CLEAR! 


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