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Sometimes we think we have our lives completely figured out, and more often than not, the universe comes in and drops the other shoe. My life has always been that, at least. My name is Brody Collins and this is my story. Well, the part of it that has yet to be written. You're probably wondering what makes me the person I am today, so let me share a little bit about my one true wonder of the world, my younger brother, Aiden. You see, ever since I was five years old Aiden has been apart of my life and as we've gotten older, our bond has gotten stronger.

Over the last thirteen years, Aiden has been very sick. He's had cancer twice, which made growing up uncertain for me and hard on my family, but he has always made it through. Aiden taught me the value of seemingly insignificant characteristics of strength and perseverance. The value of someone like Aiden, who has made such an enormous impact on the shaping of your life is irreplaceable. You learn that no matter how bad things get, they happen for a reason and you always learn something.

For example, I learned that no matter what happens empathy is the most important thing in the world. There is something special about human interaction. I remember the long stays in and out of the hospital and the countless hours I've spent reading aloud just to fill the void left by the discomfort of chemotherapy. It passes the time and allows you to escape to somewhere else. I started this for my brother's enjoyment but by the end of our sessions, I am sure the whole room was listening. This was my first true interaction with the importance of the human connection. At the age of seven, my brother got cancer the first time. Meaning, that at the age of twelve I had my position as his caretaker and protector. By the age of nine, Aiden went into remission.

Three years later, cancer came back, more aggressively this time. My parents have always been Aiden's primary care but I have started helping more. At the current time in life, Aiden helped me decide on the career I want to pursue. At the age of eighteen, one hardly has their lives figured out but I have known for years that I have wanted to be a nurse. People have always been important to me and going through this experience in my formative years cemented my aspirations. I think I would prefer pediatrics over oncology, but I am still young and no one expects me to have my whole life figured out overnight. I could end up somewhere different but I am comfortable with my present choices. Healthcare is an extremely important profession, filled by individuals who hope to make a difference in the world. I hope to be one of these individuals as I begin my freshman year at Liberty Valley University. I hope you consider me for the Nursing program.

With one click, the file was saved and submitted.

505 words that decide my future.

Now we wait.

"Brody!" A voice calls.

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